Pervious example sentences

Related (6): porous, permeable, penetrable, absorbent, permeative, infiltrative

"Pervious" Example Sentences

1. The rainwater seeped through the pervious concrete.
2. The soil was so compacted that it was no longer pervious.
3. We need to replace the roofing material with something more pervious.
4. Pervious pavements are becoming increasingly popular for ecological reasons.
5. The groundwater was easily replenished thanks to the pervious rock layer.
6. The engineer suggested using a pervious membrane to improve ventilation.
7. The pervious nature of the soil made it an ideal location for farming.
8. The permeability of the rock made it pervious to pollutants.
9. The artist used pervious paper to create a unique texture.
10. The lack of pervious surfaces in the city led to widespread flooding.
11. The scientist studied the pervious properties of different types of sand.
12. The builder recommended a pervious underlayment for the flooring.
13. The water flowed freely through the pervious sandstone.
14. The park installed pervious sidewalks to reduce runoff.
15. The conservationist emphasized the importance of preserving pervious habitats.
16. The contractor suggested using pervious concrete to mitigate stormwater runoff.
17. The fisherman knew that the river was pervious to certain types of fish.
18. The botanist studied the effects of urbanization on pervious vegetation.
19. The city council approved the use of pervious pavers in the new park.
20. The environmentalist advocated for more pervious infrastructure in urban areas.
21. The farmer recognized the value of having pervious fields for crop production.
22. The scientist discovered a new type of pervious membrane after years of research.
23. The urban planner designed a park with pervious landscaping to encourage infiltration.
24. The homeowner replaced their driveway with pervious concrete to reduce runoff.
25. The geologist identified the underlying bedrock as pervious shale.
26. The biologist studied how pervious habitats affected bird populations.
27. The architect incorporated pervious roofing tiles into the design of the building.
28. The civil engineer recommended pervious infiltration trenches to manage stormwater.
29. The landscaper used pervious groundcover to promote soil health.
30. The hydrologist tested the perviousness of the soil to understand the groundwater recharge rate.

Common Phases

1. The pervious concrete allows water to easily pass through;
2. A pervious driveway helps reduce stormwater runoff;
3. The pervious pavers prevent erosion and allow for better filtration;
4. Pervious pavements provide a solution for urban flooding;
5. Pervious surfaces promote groundwater recharge and reduce the heat island effect;
6. The pervious membrane allows roots to grow and access water in the soil;
7. The use of pervious materials can improve the health of aquatic ecosystems;
8. Pervious materials can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of a landscape;
9. Pervious concrete can be designed to endure heavy loads and high traffic volumes;
10. Pervious surfaces reduce the need for costly stormwater management systems.

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