Pettifogged example sentences

Related (10): pettifogging, pettifogger, pettifoggery, pettifog, petty, quibbling, nitpicking, hair-splitting, casuistry, sophistry.

"Pettifogged" Example Sentences

1. The lawyer pettifogged his way through the trial, using every trick to win the case.
2. I can't stand people who pettifog and argue over the smallest details.
3. The salesperson tried to pettifog the customer into buying a more expensive product.
4. The politician pettifogged his way out of answering the tough questions during the debate.
5. The landlord pettifogged over the security deposit, not wanting to give it back to the tenant.
6. The judge didn't tolerate any pettifogging in his courtroom.
7. The teacher accused the student of pettifogging when he tried to argue over his grade.
8. The negotiations became difficult because one party was constantly pettifogging over small issues.
9. The journalist exposed the company's pettifogging tactics to deceive consumers.
10. The defendant tried to pettifog his way out of the charges, but the evidence was overwhelming.
11. The contractor's pettifogging over the contract caused delays in the project.
12. The customer service representative pettifogged over the refund, causing frustration for the customer.
13. The accountant was accused of pettifogging the numbers to hide the company's financial troubles.
14. The athlete felt that her competitor was pettifogging during the race.
15. The author's tendency to pettifog details made the novel difficult to follow.
16. The manager had to put a stop to the team's pettifogging during the meeting.
17. The artist refused to pettifog over the colors in her painting, trusting her instincts.
18. The scientist recognized the importance of not pettifogging over small details when conducting research.
19. The coach warned his team not to pettifog over the referee's decisions during the game.
20. The CEO's pettifogging over the company's policies caused employee morale to suffer.
21. The barista didn't want to pettifog over the customer's order, so she made the drink exactly as requested.
22. The soldier felt that his commanding officer was pettifogging during the mission, putting the team in danger.
23. The customer accused the retailer of pettifogging over the return policy.
24. The editor removed the author's pettifogging from the final draft of the article.
25. The architect refused to pettifog over the design, standing by their original vision.
26. The chef didn't want to pettifog over the recipe, so he made the dish with his own twist.
27. The musician disliked pettifogging over the notes and preferred to improvise during performances.
28. The investor was suspicious of the company's pettifogging over the financial reports.
29. The speaker's tendency to pettifog during the lecture caused the audience to lose interest.
30. The employee felt that the boss was pettifogging over the work schedule, causing unnecessary stress.

Common Phases

1. The lawyer pettifogged the witness during cross-examination; he twisted every answer to fit his narrative.
2. The politician pettifogged the issue, deflecting blame and refusing to take responsibility.
3. The sales clerk pettifogged the return policy, insisting that it did not apply to the customer's situation.
4. The student pettifogged their way through the test, finding loopholes and technicalities to avoid answering difficult questions.
5. The contractor pettifogged the project specifications, using vague language to avoid meeting specific requirements.

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