Pg example sentences

Related (8): PG-13, PG-rated, PG-18, PG-16, PG-15, PG-14, PG-19, PG-20

"Pg" Example Sentences

1. The movie received a PG rating for some mild language.
2. We recommend PG or PG-13 movies for the children's movie night.
3. The video game was rated PG for mild cartoon violence.
4. The card game is appropriate for players aged PG and up.
5. The music is labeled PG for appropriate language and content.
6. The party was PG since there were kids running around.
7. The guidebook is labeled PG for appropriate content for all ages.
8. The event is PG to be family friendly.
9. Most attractions at the amusement park are rated PG for all ages.
10. The book's PG rating indicates it has little or no profanity.
11. The performance was designated PG for parents and guardians.
12. The club night is PG until 10 pm, then becomes adults only.
13. The camp is intended for children aged PG to 12.
14. The museum has both PG and PG-13 sections for different exhibits.
15. The zoo has both PG and PG-13 areas for younger and older children.
16. The content of the website is screened to be PG appropriate.
17. Activities were planned for the PG through teen age groups.
18. The party favors and goodie bags were designed with a PG theme.
19. The exhibit was intended to be educational and entertaining for all PG audiences.
20. The advertisement for the event indicated it was PG suited.
21. The podcast is designed to be PG clean and appropriate for all listeners.
22. The program airs at a time slot designated for PG material.
23. The blog has a PG content policy for appropriate comments.
24. No PG after a certain time is the club's policy.
25. The TV channel mostly airs programs labeled PG or PG-13.
26. The forum has strict rules regarding posting PG appropriate content.
27. The restaurant is family friendly and labels itself as PG dining.
28. Fundraising events are planned to be fun for participants of all PG ages.
29. Hotel activities are planned to be PG appropriate for families.
30. Conference speakers and presenters are asked to provide PG appropriate material.
31. The playlist is designated PG clean to be work appropriate.
32. All PG employees are invited to the holiday party.
33. The essays were screened to be PG appropriate for publication.
34. PG and up tickets were sold for the performance.
35. The tours marketed themselves as being PG friendly.
36. The comedy show marketed itself as having PG humor.
37. The album was labeled as clean and PG appropriate.
38. Bloggers were asked to post PG appropriate content.
39. The newspaper has a PG content policy for stories and advertisements.
40. The news segment was designated as PG appropriate for younger viewers.
41. The presentation was planned to be PG appropriate for all participants.
42. The safety guidelines were written to be PG appropriate.
43. Comments on social media must meet PG content standards.
44. Teachers provide PG appropriate materials for their students.
45. The campaign promoted itself as being PG clean.
46. Employees were expected to use PG appropriate language at work.
47. PG appropriate gift ideas were recommended for holiday presents.
48. Music playlists were designated as PG clean for the workplace.
49. The script was screened and deemed PG appropriate.
50. Caregivers were advised to provide PG activities for children.
51. The website filters to provide only PG appropriate content.
52. The itinerary planned PG appropriate sightseeing.
53. Behavior standards were put in place to ensure a PG environment.
54. The manual was created with a PG content policy.
55. PG guests were welcome at the reception.
56. The policy requires PG appropriate materials in the workplace.
57. The PG decorations were kid friendly.
58. The flyer advertised a PG appropriate event.
59. Employees were directed to use PG appropriate language with clients.
60. Contests were designed with PG appropriate themes.

Common Phases

1. The film was rated PG for parental guidance suggested.
2. This website has PG content suitable for most audiences.
3. The video game received a PG rating for mild cartoon violence and some crude humor.
4. The comic book was given a PG rating for mild language and fantasy violence.
5. The exhibit is rated PG for all ages.
6. Younger children should be accompanied by an adult for this PG-rated show.
7. Let's watch the PG movie, then the kids can go to bed.
8. The play was rated PG-13 for some scenes that were slightly disturbing.
9. The sporting event had a PG rating so parents could bring young children.
10. PG content is appropriate for children ages 8 and up with parental guidance.
11. The concert received a PG rating due to some mild suggestive lyrics.
12. The TV show is rated PG for brief mild language and some menace.
13. Older children and teenagers would enjoy this amusing PG-rated comedy.
14. Check the rating to make sure it's appropriate for your child's age before watching PG content.
15. The museum exhibit on dinosaurs had a PG rating for all ages.
16. The magic show was rated PG for a few instances of spooky themes.
17. You'll likely find PG content free of strong language, graphic violence, or sexually explicit material.
18. PG content often contains mild violence, brief coarse language, or some crude humor.
19. The theme park ride received a PG rating for its scary theme but no graphic depictions.
20. The author's books received a PG rating for some thematic elements and mild animated violence.
21. We watched the PG-rated romantic comedy with the kids.
22. They rate movies PG to warn viewers about some possibly unsuitable themes.
23. The podcast received a PG rating for some adult themes that were discussed lightly.
24. The campout was rated PG for all ages due to mild fright factors.
25. We took the kids to see the circus that had a PG rating for all audiences.
26. Kids can handle PG content with parental supervision and discussion.
27. The farmer's market had a PG atmosphere suitable for children of all ages.
28. The book was a lighthearted adventure story rated PG for mild action and humor.
29. A PG rating indicates the content has something parents may find unsuitable for younger children.
30. The museum had a PG atmosphere welcoming to families with children.
31. We watched the PG comedy together as a family.
32. Rated PG for mature thematic elements and some suggestive references.
33. The field trip was rated PG for all ages due to mild elements of fantasy violence.
34. The documentary was rated PG for some depictions of animal cruelty.
35. Parents can use common sense to determine if PG content is suitable for their own children.
36. The rodeo was rated PG for all ages due to mild elements of menace.
37. The zoo had a PG atmosphere suitable for children and families.
38. They sell PG-rated books and toys for children.
39. The restaurant has a PG environment welcoming to families.
40. The museum allows children of all ages since everything is rated PG.
41. The basketball game had a PG rating for some mild language that may not be suitable for young children.
42. The hike was rated PG for all ages due to some scenes of danger without injury.
43. This game is rated PG for mild cartoon or fantasy violence and infrequent use of mild language.
44. The trail ride was rated PG for all ages due to some scenes of fantasy peril.
45. His column contains PG content suitable for children with parental guidance.
46. The sporting event had a PG atmosphere welcoming to families with children.
47. You'll find PG content at bookstores, libraries, and museums geared toward children.
48. The board game received a PG rating for some thematic elements.
49. Rated PG for mild action and brief rude humor.
50. The restaurant and bakery had a PG atmosphere suitable for families with small children.
51. The aquarium had a PG atmosphere suitable for children of all ages.
52. His jokes were funny but rated PG for some crude humor.
53. The car show had a PG atmosphere welcoming to families with kids.
54. She writes PG-rated children's books without any objectionable content.
55. The TV commercial received a PG rating for some rude humor that was mild in nature.
56. The amusement park ride had a PG rating for some threat elements.
57. The podcast received a PG rating for some mildly crude humor.
58. The hike was rated PG for all ages due to some light fantasy action and peril.
59. Children ages 8 and older can typically handle PG content with parental supervision.
60. The youth group event has a PG atmosphere suitable for teenagers and younger children.

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