Phlegmatic example sentences

Related (10): calm, composed, unemotional, impassive, stoic, sluggish, lethargic, unresponsive, indifferent, apathetic.

"Phlegmatic" Example Sentences

1. He had a calm, phlegmatic personality that never got too excited.
2. She seemed phlegmatic and indifferent to all my news and stories.
3. My phlegmatic roommate remained composed and unruffled during the chaos.
4. The phlegmatic investor remained calm during the market turmoil.
5. He responded to my tirade with his usual phlegmatic composure.
6. The phlegmatic minister gave his sermon in a dull monotone.
7. Their phlegmatic nature means they are slow to anger and slow to forgive.
8. Typical of his phlegmatic temperament, he took the news calmly and rationally.
9. My friend's refusal to react annoyed me because he was being so phlegmatic.
10. The usually phlegmatic banker looked stressed and worried.
11. His phlegmatic personality meant that he never seemed excited or animated.
12. She reacted in her phlegmatic, matter-of-fact manner.
13. Opposite his friend's excitable and volatile nature, he remained phlegmatic and steady.
14. The phlegmatic general could not be shaken from his composure.
15. His phlegmatic, unflappable personality meant that he rarely got worked up about anything.
16. Even during the crisis, his phlegmatic temperament allowed him to keep calm.
17. The student's phlegmatic response annoyed her teacher who wanted more enthusiasm.
18. The phlegmatic crowd watched the event with little interest or reaction.
19. Despite his phlegmatic demeanor, he was capable of deep emotion.
20. She was surprised by the usually phlegmatic businessman's emotional outburst.
21. At times his phlegmatic attitude felt cold and uncaring.
22. His phlegmatic nature meant he took the insult without protest or complaint.
23. His relaxed and phlegmatic personality seemed out of place in a high-pressure environment.
24. My usually phlegmatic brother surprised me with his passionate defense of his views.
25. He managed to keep a phlegmatic facade even as his company faced crisis.
26. They responded to our excitement with their usual phlegmatic composure.
27.The phlegmatic child's lack of energy and enthusiasm frustrated his parents.
28. I found his phlegmatic response to my news offensive and hurtful.
29. Even during disagreements he remained phlegmatic and calm.
30. The phlegmatic guard failed to notice the danger approaching.
31. She wished her phlegmatic partner would show more passion and excitement.
32. His phlegmatic nature meant he rarely got worked up about anything.
33. Despite his phlegmatic personality, he could show surprising flashes of temper.
34. Even during the happiest times of their lives, they remained phlegmatic and matter-of-fact.
35. With his phlegmatic composure, he rarely betrayed emotion.
36. Her phlegmatic teacher's dull tone caused her mind to wander.
37. His phlegmatic response frustrated me and I wished he showed more enthusiasm.
38. The phlegmatic professor droned on in a monotone for the entire class.
39. In contrast to her fiery personality, he remained steady and phlegmatic.
40. The usually phlegmatic politician gave an impassioned speech.
41. Though usually phlegmatic, the daunting task caused even him to feel anxious.
42. The phlegmatic audience watched the dancing without reacting.
43. Phlegmatic in temperament, he took the insult without a thought of retaliation.
44. Opposite his lively friend, he was steady and phlegmatic.
45. Trapped underwater, his usual phlegmatic attitude served him well.
46. The children reacted to the gift with more enthusiasm than their phlegmatic parents.
47. Her phlegmatic husband rarely showed excitement or emotion.
48. The phlegmatic office worker remained unmoved by the chaos around him.
49. Despite their phlegmatic nature, they are capable of deep love.
50. The phlegmatic actor delivered his lines in a bored monotone.
51. Even the phlegmatic office worker got excited about the surprise party.
52. Her phlegmatic lover may have hidden depths of passion within.
53. During the storm the normally phlegmatic traveler began to feel nervous.
54. Even their phlegmatic dog started barking in excitement when they came home.
55. Though usually phlegmatic and calm, his temper could flare up suddenly.
56. He showed no interest in my news, responding with his usual phlegmatic indifference.
57. The phlegmatic characters in the play seemed lifeless and dull.
58. Their normally phlegmatic boss surprised them with an emotional goodbye speech.
59. The audience responded with phlegmatic silence rather than the hoped-for applause.
60. She secretly longed for a more demonstrative and less phlegmatic partner.

Common Phases

1. He has a phlegmatic temperament.
2. He responded with his usual phlegmatic calmness.
3. Though usually phlegmatic, he finally lost his temper.
4. She delivered the lines in a phlegmatic monotone.
5. They reacted with phlegmatic indifference.
6. Despite his phlegmatic facade, he was capable of passion.
7. His phlegmatic personality meant he rarely showed emotion.
8. The phlegmatic crowd watched without excitement.
9. Typical of her phlegmatic nature, she rarely got upset.
10. In contrast to his fiery partner, he remained phlegmatic and steady.

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