Physiologically example sentences

Related (13): metabolically, biologically, anatomically, neurologically, endocrinologically, immunologically, hematologically, respiratoryly, gastrointestinally, genitourinary, dermatologically, musculoskeletally, cardiovasculary

"Physiologically" Example Sentences

1. Physiologically, the human body is designed to survive in a variety of environments.
2. Certain diseases can affect a person physiologically, leading to physical changes.
3. Athletes undergo rigorous training to improve their physiologically abilities.
4. The process of aging affects the body physiologically, leading to various health conditions.
5. Exercise has been shown to improve a person's physiologically functions, such as heart health.
6. Stress can impact a person's body physiologically, leading to increased cortisol levels and other changes.
7. The human body is physiologically capable of adapting to different altitudes and air pressures.
8. Certain substances can affect a person physiologically, such as caffeine or alcohol.
9. Physiologically speaking, the human brain is a complex and intricate organ.
10. Sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy physiologically balance within the body.
11. Some medications can alter a person's physiologically functions, for better or worse.
12. The human body is physiologically designed to respond to certain stimuli, such as pain or pleasure.
13. Attention deficit disorder can impact a person's brain function physiologically.
14. The human digestive system operates physiologically, breaking down food and extracting nutrients.
15. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause various physiologically changes within a woman's body.
16. The immune system operates physiologically to protect the body from harmful microorganisms.
17. Certain illnesses or injuries can impact a person's physiologically functions, such as mobility or sensation.
18. The human endocrine system operates physiologically, producing various hormones that regulate bodily functions.
19. Emotions can impact a person physiologically, such as causing changes in heart rate or breathing.
20. Physiologically, the human body requires a certain amount of nutrients to function properly.
21. Exercise physiologists study how the body responds physiologically to different types of physical activity.
22. Poor nutrition can impact a person's body physiologically, leading to various health conditions.
23. The process of aging affects the skin physiologically, leading to wrinkles and other changes.
24. The nervous system operates physiologically, transmitting messages throughout the body.
25. Physiologically speaking, the human body is incredibly complex and intricately designed.
26. Addiction can impact a person's brain function physiologically, leading to changes in behavior.
27. The respiratory system operates physiologically to allow for gas exchange within the body.
28. The human body responds physiologically to stress through various hormonal and behavioral changes.
29. Certain mental illnesses can impact a person's brain function physiologically, leading to altered perceptions or behavior.
30. The human body is physiologically capable of healing itself, to a certain extent.

Common Phases

1. Physiologically, the body responds to stress by releasing hormones;
2. Physiologically, exercise can help improve cardiovascular health;
3. Physiologically, sleep is essential for brain function and physical health;
4. Physiologically, our bodies require essential vitamins and minerals for proper function;
5. Physiologically, the immune system functions to protect the body from harmful pathogens;
6. Physiologically, dehydration can lead to numerous health problems;
7. Physiologically, aging can affect various bodily processes and systems;
8. Physiologically, the digestive system breaks down food into nutrients for the body to use;
9. Physiologically, regular breathing exercises can help reduce stress and anxiety;
10. Physiologically, the body undergoes hormonal changes during puberty.

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