Physiology example sentences

Related (10): anatomy, biology, neuroscience, biochemistry, endocrinology, pathology, pharmacology, immunology, microbiology, biophysics

"Physiology" Example Sentences

1. Physiology is the scientific study of functions and organs of living systems.
2. The physiology of exercise aims to understand how the body functions during exercise.
3. Plant physiology explores processes like photosynthesis, transpiration and growth.
4. Comparative physiology compares the functions of different species.
5. Physiology is a crucial branch of biology.
6. Physiology plays an important role in medical sciences.
7. The study of physiology has led to a better understanding of human health.
8. Physiology involves studying body systems like the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
9. Exercise physiology focuses on how exercise impacts human physiological functions.
10. Physiological changes occur during sleep that affect bodily functions.
11. The physiology of aging examines changes in body functions as people grow older.
12. Physiological factors can influence human behavior.
13. Stress physiology investigates how stress impacts body functions.
14. Psychology and physiology are closely related disciplines.
15. Homeostasis is the tendency of physiological systems to maintain stable internal conditions.
16. Physiological testing involves measuring bodily functions to assess health.
17. Hormones play an important role in regulating physiological processes.
18. Cell physiology studies the functions of cells and their organelles.
19. The physiology of the human brain is complex and fascinating.
20. Endocrinology is the study of hormones and their effects on physiology.
21. Changes in physiology over time allow for growth and development.
22. Physiological measures provide objective data about bodily functions.
23. Exercise induces changes in cardiovascular physiology.
24. The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary physiology.
25. Evolution has shaped the physiology of living things.
26. Physiological literature reports the latest findings and research in the field.
27. Physiological adaptation allows organisms to adjust to environments.
28. Physiology labs provide opportunities for hands-on study of bodily functions.
29. Environmental factors can impact physiological processes.
30. Animal physiology explores functions at the whole organism level.
31. Physiological biomarkers indicate changes in bodily workings.
32. Physiological testing is often performed before training or athletic competition.
33. Nutrition has profound effects on physiology.
34. Drugs can target specific aspects of physiology.
35. Researchers seek to understand physiology at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels.
36. Alterations in physiology underlie many pathological conditions.
37. Physiology involves complex interactions between systems, organs and cells.
38. Smoking negatively impacts cardiovascular physiology.
39. Sleep physiology examines bodily functions during different sleep stages.
40. Physiology integrates chemical, physical and biological principles.
41. Cell signaling has important roles in coordinating physiological responses.
42. Environmental physiology explores how organisms function in their natural habitats.
43. Female and male physiology differs in many ways.
44. Stressors can induce physiological changes in the body.
45. Lactation is a fascinating aspect of mammalian physiology.
46. Physiological dysfunction contributes to disease.
47. Physiology provides a foundation for understanding disease mechanisms.
48. Physiological research relies on complex technological tools and methods.
49. Aging is typically accompanied by changes in respiratory physiology.
50. Obesity is associated with alterations in metabolic physiology.
51. Regulation is a fundamental concept in physiology.
52. Nervous system physiology involves complex interactions between multiple structures.
53. Pregnancy induces major adaptations in maternal physiology.
54. Visual physiology explores processes related to vision and the eye.
55. Each organ system has its own specific physiology.
56. Learning requires changes in brain physiology.
57. Inspiration and expiration involve complex physiological processes.
58. Physiology textbooks provide an overview of functions and systems in the body.
59. The physiology of athletes differs in meaningful ways from the general population.
60. Physiology integrates knowledge from physics, chemistry and biology.

Common Phases

1. The physiology of the body
2. Physiology and function
3. Animal physiology
4. Human physiology
5. Plant physiology
6. Physiology of the brain
7. Biomedical physiology
8. Exercise physiology
9. Comparative physiology
10. Physiology of aging

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