Physique example sentences

Related (8): muscles, athleticism, endurance, strength, agility, flexibility, height, weight

"Physique" Example Sentences

1. He had a slender physique and lean muscles.
2. Her curvy physique filled out the dress perfectly.
3. Bodybuilders work to sculpt their physique through weight training.
4. The model had the perfect physique for the runway.
5. She admired his athletic physique and sculpted abs.
6. His physique had started to deteriorate with age.
7. Gaining weight was difficult due to her petite physique.
8. The actress maintained her toned physique through rigorous workouts.
9. His muscular physique demanded attention when he walked into the room.
10. She admired his broad shoulders and tall, strapping physique.
11. The swimmer had an ideal aquatic physique.
12. His ideal male physique was portrayed in Greek sculptures.
13. Her hourglass physique was envied by many women.
14. His physique transformed after following a strict exercise routine.
15. The actress worked hard to maintain her slight physique.
16. She had an athletic yet feminine physique.
17. His physique had filled out after years of weight training.
18. Her voluptuous physique filled out her clothing in all the right places.
19. Having a petite physique meant she had to shop in the juniors department.
20. His gymnast's physique was lean yet muscular.
21. The actor struggled to maintain his washboard physique while filming.
22. He had the idealized masculine physique with broad shoulders and slim hips.
23. Weightlifters have larger, bulkier physiques.
24. Her gymnast's physique allowed for easy flexibility and balance.
25. The football players had stocky, dense physiques.
26. His naturally slim physique meant he didn't have to diet.
27. Fitness models work to achieve the perfect athletic physique.
28. Her femme fatale physique drew people in.
29. The bodybuilder flaunted his chiseled physique at the beach.
30. She took pride in her petite yet toned physique.
31. Her dancer's physique was long, lean and graceful.
32. His physique transformed after years of strength training.
33. The wrestler had a stocky physique with large muscles.
34. Her tall, slender physique made her a perfect model.
35. His scrawny physique made him appear much younger than he was.
36. The boxer had a sturdy yet agile physique.
37. His lean physique gave him an advantage in endurance sports.
38. Her curvaceous physique accentuated her femininity.
39. His broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped physique was classically masculine.
40. His ectomorphic physique made gaining muscle difficult.
41. Her svelte physique allowed her to wear clothes most other women envied.
42. Boxers have compact, powerful physiques.
43. Rugby players often have muscular yet stout physiques.
44. Her petite physique contrasted with her outgoing personality.
45. His endomorph physique made weight loss challenging.
46. Runners tend to have lean, light physiques.
47. The sumo wrestler had an incredibly stout physique.
48. His mesomorph physique allowed him to build muscle easily.
49. She aimed for an athletic yet feminine physique.
50. His washboard abs and rippling muscles created an enviable physique.
51. The bodybuilder flaunted his muscular, sculpted physique.
52. Her dancer physique was slim, toned and graceful.
53. Her swimmer's physique included broad shoulders and slim hips.
54. The model maintained her tall, willowy physique through a strict diet.
55. His solid, muscular physique made him seem much older than he was.
56. She worked hard to achieve the stereotypical feminine physique.
57. Her dancer's physique included long, lean muscles and flexibility.
58. He transformed his physique into a muscular Adonis through dedication and hard work.
59. Their fitness model physiques were athletic yet proportional.
60. Her curvy physique gave her a voluptuous, feminine appeal.

Common Phases

1. Ideal physique - The body type considered most attractive or desirable.
2. Lean physique - A body shape that is thin and lacks excess fat.
3. Sculpted physique - A body that has been shaped through exercise and training.
4. Athletic physique - A physique that includes muscularity and fitness.
5. Petite physique - A small body shape with a slim frame.
6. Curvaceous physique - A shapely body type that is slightly round.
7. Muscular physique - A physique defined by developed muscles.
8. Slender physique - A body that is long, thin and narrow.
9. Voluptuous physique - A body that has generous curves and fullness.
10. Stocky physique - A body type that is short and thickset.
11. Endomorphic physique - A physique characterized by being soft and round.
12. Ectomorphic physique - A physique characterized by being thin and lanky.
13. Mesomorphic physique - A physique characterized by being muscular and strong.
14. Feminine physique - A body shape that embodies idealized notions of womanhood.
15. Masculine physique - A body characterized by traits seen as stereotypically male.
16. Transform physique - To change one's body shape and composition.
17. Maintain physique - Keep or preserve a particular body type through diet and exercise.
18. Comparable physique - A body shape that is similar to another.
19. Impressive physique - A body type that elicits admiration.
20. Idealized physique - A body type that aligns with cultural perceptions of perfection.

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