Pills example sentences

Related (8): medication, capsules, tablets, antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers, vitamins, supplements

"Pills" Example Sentences

1. I need to take my pills.
2. The doctor prescribed me some pills for the pain.
3. She takes a lot of pills every day.
4. Be careful not to mix up your pills.
5. I had to count out his pills every night.
6. The pills make me feel drowsy and sick.
7. The bottle of pills fell off the table.
8. The pharmacist filled his prescription for blood pressure pills.
9. Can you pass me the bottle of vitamin pills?
10. Allergy pills help relieve my symptoms.
11. The bottle of diet pills was a scam.
12. I started taking antidepressant pills last week.
13. She went to the cabinet to get her heartburn pills.
14. The bottle of pills expired last year.
15. The doctor prescribed birth control pills.
16. I lost my bottle of anxiety pills.
17. I had trouble swallowing the large pills.
18. I take a multi-vitamin pill every morning.
19. Those weight loss pills don't actually work.
20. Check the bottle of pills for the dosage.
21. Blue pills are easy to swallow.
22. The pills must be stored at room temperature.
23. I take fish oil pills for my joints.
24. Are these the sleeping pills the doctor prescribed?
25. Please remind me to take my vitamin pills.
26. I forgot to pack my pain relief pills.
27. She has to carry her allergy pills with her always.
28. I can't swallow the pills without water.
29. Vitamin pills help boost your immune system.
30. I drink a big glass of water with my pills.
31. Can you pass me the bottle of pain relief pills?
32. Those diet pills are dangerous to take.
33. The pills fell out of the bottle and rolled away.
34. The vitamins pills made me feel nauseous.
35. He always has trouble swallowing his pills.
36. That bottle of pills has been recalled.
37. I have to take iron pills with food.
38. The pill bottle was clearly labeled.
39. Do the pills come with side effects?
40. He has to take so many pills every day.
41. My mom crushes my pills into applesauce.
42. The pills are supposed to relieve my headache.
43. She filled the pill organizer for the week.
44. I asked for an extra container for my pills.
45. The prescription got filled for my pills.
46. The pills came in an unmarked bottle.
47. Taking her pills makes her feel better.
48. She has trouble remembering to take her pills.
49. He double-checked that the pills were safe.
50. She lined up all the pill bottles on the counter.
51. The doctor reduced the dose of her pills.
52. The pills taste awful no matter what I do.
53. The pills come in small, large, and extended release.
54. My pills don't seem to be working anymore.
55. Some of the pills spilled out of the bottle.
56. Those pills came in big horse pills.
57. Allergy season means taking more pills.
58. My throat is dry from swallowing all these pills.
59. The pills were gel capsules that were easy to swallow.
60. She heard the sound of pills rattling in the bottle.

Common Phases

1. She took her medication by swallowing several pills.
2. The doctor prescribed him a bottle of pain pills.
3. The sleeping pills helped him finally get some rest.
4. Her vitamins were in the form of small pills.
5. Her anxiety medication came in pill form.
6. The ibuprofen pills relieved her headache.
7. The pharmacist filled the prescription for blood pressure pills.
8. I swallowed the allergy pills to stop sneezing.
9. My mom has to take many different colored pills for her various health conditions.
10. He had trouble swallowing his large beta blocker pills.
11. She checked the labels on multiple pill bottles.
12. They were warned not to mix alcohol with those pills.
13. The seniors struggled to organize and take all their pills every day.
14. They gave her a bottle of antibiotic pills after her surgery.
15. He regurgitated the stomach acid relief pills.
16. Her grandma lined up all her pills neatly every morning.
17. They found a stash of unidentified pills hidden in his sock drawer.
18. I needed to refill my birth control pills prescription.
19. The pills were meant to lower his high cholesterol.
20. The warning label on the pill bottle advised against driving after taking those pills.
21. The side effects of the pills made her nauseous and dizzy.
22. Natural supplements in pill form sometimes claim to do what prescription pills do.
23. I swallowed the large horse pills with great difficulty.
24. Both her parents took many pills for their various health conditions.
25. He had trouble swallowing his pills, so they had to be crushed.
26. The pharmacist counted the number of pills in each bottle to ensure accuracy.
27. Do not chew the pills, they must be swallowed whole.
28. The diet pills made her sweat, jittery and lightheaded.
29. The pills rattled around loudly in the almost empty bottle.
30. She threw all the pill bottles into her purse carelessly.
31. The vitamins and supplements shelf at the store had an overwhelming selection of pills.
32. The advertisements for the newest pill to treat whatever ailment were hard to ignore.
33. I need a pill to give me more energy and motivation.
34. Coffee and pills were his breakfast every morning.
35. The doctor warned that missing doses of her pills could result in complications.
36. As he aged, he hated how many different pills he had to organize and remember to take each day.
37. The nurse checked that she had actually swallowed her pills instead of hiding them in her cheek.
38. The dose of pills was increased to achieve the desired effect.
39. The placebo pills were included at the end of the birth control pack.
40. So many people are addicted to and dependent on prescription pills.
41. Some worry that too many doctors are quick to prescribe pills instead of behavioral changes and therapy.
42. The painkiller pills only helped numb the emotional pain temporarily.
43. She got the pills cheap from a friend instead of seeing a doctor.
44. The pills seemed to do nothing to improve her symptoms.
45. Many of the prescription pills were improperly disposed of and ended up polluting the environment.
46. The doctor recommended diet and exercise instead of just prescribing more pills.
47. She saved the rest of her extra pills 'just in case.'
48. The child accidentally swallowed some pills that were left within his reach.
49.The advertisement made the new miracle pill sound like a magic panacea for all health problems.
50. By his late 60s, he had filled multiple pillboxes with various pills.
51. He flushed all his leftover pills down the toilet after he died.
52. The appetite suppressant pills helped her lose weight quickly but unhealthily.
53. The toxicology report showed a deadly combination of pills in his system.
54. The placebo pills made her think the new medication was already working.
55. The prescription pills helped numb the psychological pain temporarily.
56. Many people abuse pills to get high instead of as prescribed by a doctor.
57. She swallowed two pills dry, unable to stand the bitter taste.
58. He crunched the pills and mixed them in with his food to hide taking them.
59. Caffeine pills and energy drinks kept him awake for days.
60. The looters ransacked the pharmacy in search of highly addictive pills.

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