Pitapats example sentences

Related (11): heartbeat, patter, pitter-patter, tapping, thudding, pulsing, drumming, thumping, knocking, ticking, palpitation

"Pitapats" Example Sentences

1. I heard the pitapats of small animals scurrying through the forest.
2. The sound of pitapats echoed through the empty hallway.
3. The raindrops made soft pitapats on the roof.
4. She took a deep breath and started to run, her pitapats echoing in the quiet park.
5. The cat's pitapats were barely audible as it approached its prey.
6. The pitapats of her high heels on the pavement sounded like music to his ears.
7. The pitapats of the horses' hooves could be heard from a distance.
8. The pitapats of the drumsticks on the snare drum sounded crisp and clear in the small room.
9. The pitapats of the baby's feet on the floor were a delight to watch.
10. The pitapats of the ball hitting the wall could be heard from afar.
11. The pitapats of the raindrops on the window were calming to listen to.
12. The dog's pitapats were the only sound that could be heard in the silent park.
13. The pitapats of the children's shoes on the tiles echoed through the hallways.
14. The pitapats of the keyboard showed how fast she was typing.
15. The pitapats of her heart could be heard as she waited anxiously for the results.
16. The pitapats of the leaves rustling in the wind added to the serenity of the forest.
17. The pitapats of his fingers on the table were a sign of his nerves.
18. The pitapats of her shoes on the stairs announced her arrival.
19. The pitapats of the insects feet on the leaves were barely audible.
20. The pitapats of her laughter filled the room.
21. The pitapats of the drip landing on the sink was maddening.
22. The pitapats of her pen on the paper were soothing to watch.
23. The pitapats of the tiny bird's feet on the tree branch were mesmerizing.
24. The pitapats of his bat hitting the ball could be heard from the stands.
25. The pitapats of her fingers on the piano keys were ethereal.
26. The pitapats of the mouse's feet on the floorboards were barely audible.
27. The pitapats of her shoes on the pavement were the only sound in the deserted streets.
28. The pitapats of the rain tapping on the roof gave her a sense of comfort.
29. The pitapats of the ants' feet on the dirt were visible under the magnifying glass.
30. The pitapats of the skateboard wheels on the pavement were loud and exciting.

Common Phases

1. The sound of pitapats on the roof was soothing; it lulled me to sleep.
2. We could hear the pitapats of the rain on the ground; we decided to stay indoors.
3. The pitapats of her high heels echoed in the hallway; we knew she was approaching.
4. The pitapats of little feet running down the corridor filled the house; it was a playful sound.
5. The pitapats of hooves on the dirt path announced the arrival of the horses; we rushed to greet them.

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