Placid example sentences

Related (10): Calm, serene, peaceful, undisturbed, tranquil, still, quiet, gentle, soothing, relaxed.

"Placid" Example Sentences

1. The placid lake reflected the stillness of the morning sky.
2. The cow chewed its cud in placid contentment.
3. The town seemed placid and quiet on the warm summer day.
4. Toddlers played in the placid water of the fountain, laughing and splashing.
5. The old man sat by the river with a placid smile.
6. The retiree enjoyed his placid routine of gardening and reading the newspaper.
7. With a placid smile, the yoga instructor led the class in their final pose.
8. He found the sound of the waves crashing soothing and placid.
9. The placid pond was surrounded by large oak trees.
10. The summer breeze gently rustled the leaves providing a placid soundtrack.
11. The placid music helped him relax and drift off to sleep.
12. Their first few years of marriage were idyllic and placid.
13. The grandmother gazed out the window with a placid expression.
14. The tourists enjoyed paddling their canoes in the placid river.
15. She enjoyed spending time in the placid and serene gardens.
16. The horses grazed lazily in the placid meadow.
17. Time seems to pass more slowly in a placid rural town.
18. The yogi took several placid breaths before beginning her practice.
19. The monks walked the halls with their heads bowed in placid contemplation.
20. The small dog slept placidly on the foot of her bed.
21. The sounds and smells of the local market provided a placid backdrop for his thoughts.
22. His placid and friendly manner led others to trust him easily.
23. The grazing sheep created a placid pastoral scene.
24. The sea grass swayed gently in the placid waters.
25. The breeze created ripples on the placid surface of the pool.
26. The monks' placid chanting helped create an atmosphere of peace and calm.
27. The young boy skipped stones across the placid surface of the pond.
28. Though his life was placid, he longed for more adventure.
29. The clouds floated by in a placid fashion across the clear blue sky.
30. The woman gazed at the lake with a placid yet thoughtful expression.
31. The teddy bear lay placidly on the young girl's bed.
32. The giant tortoise crawled lazily through the placid garden.
33. Many spiritual seekers found placid contentment in meditation.
34. The baby slept in a placid trance in his crib.
35. The political situation was placid, with no protests or violence.
36. The old men gathered every morning in placid conversation outside the general store.
37. She found the placid routine of her daily job soothing.
38. He heard the placid sound of church bells ringing in the distance.
39. The couple swayed to the placid melody of the love song.
40. The bee buzzed in a placid and content fashion past her ear.
41. The newcomer found the town's placid pace to be dull.
42. The gentlewoman sat in placid posture as she sewed.
43. The statue wore a serene and placid smile.
44. Their married life was placid and uneventful.
45. He sought the placid and quiet life of the countryside.
46. The placid puppy sat in a patch of sunlight.
47. The doctor studied the patient's placid face as she slept.
48. The crowd watched the placid parade float by.
49. The placid scene belied the storms that were brewing.
50. The monk found placid joy in the simplest of tasks.
51. Though the waves crashed around her, she remained placid.
52. The kitten slept in a small bundle of placid fur.
53.The clouds moved in a placid fashion across the cerulean sky.
54. The teacher led the students in the placid chant.
55. The balloon floated in a placid fashion across the horizon.
56. The gentle waves lapped in a placid rhythm against the shore.
57. He found placid contentment in meditation and prayer.
58. She watched the bees buzzing in placid activity around the flowers.
59. The silver-haired grandmother gazed out at the garden with placid affection.
60. The mime pretended to row a boat with placid grace.

Common Phases

1. Placid expression
Used to describe someone who looks calm and peaceful.
2. Placid face
Describes someone with an impassive, emotionless and tranquil face.
3. Placid manner
Describes someone who acts and behaves in a calm and tranquil way.
4. Placid smile
Describes someone smiling in a calm and peaceful manner.
5. Placid pond
Refers to a pond with calm, still and undisturbed waters.
6. Placid lake
Refers to a lake with unruffled, smooth and tranquil waters.
7. Placid breeze
Describes a calm, gentle and mild breeze blowing.
8. Placid water
Refers to water that is motionless, calm and tranquil.
9. Placid rhythm
Describes a calm, even and steady beat or tempo.
10. Placid life
Refers to a life that is peaceful, untroubled and tranquil.

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