Planted example sentences

Related (10): seeds, saplings, bulbs, cuttings, transplants, rhizomes, tubers, corms, starters, sprigs



planted (past tense) · planted (past participle)

  - place (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow:

  - place a seed, bulb, or plant in (a place) to grow:

  - bury (someone):

  - place or fix in a specified position:

  - position oneself:

  - establish (an idea) in someone's mind:

  - secretly place (a bomb that is set to go off at a later time):

  - put or hide (something) among someone's belongings to compromise or incriminate the owner:

  - send (someone) to join a group or organization to act as a spy or informer:

  - found or establish (a colony, city, or community):

  - deposit (young fish, spawn, oysters, etc.) in a river or lake.


sow, scatter, seed, transplant, cultivate, till, work, plow, dig, inter, bury, inhume, sepulcher, put, place, set, position, station, situate, settle, stick, fix, plonk, insert, impress, imprint, instil, put, place, implant, introduce, fix, establish, embed, root, lodge, hide, conceal, secrete, start, begin, initiate, institute, form, found, create, inaugurate, organize, build, construct, install, disband, demolish

"Planted" Example Sentences

1. She planted the flower seeds in the garden.
2. He planted a row of palm trees along the walkway.
3. They planted a tree in front of their new house.
4. The farmer planted potatoes, corn and soybeans in his field.
5. The archaeologists planted flagpoles where they found artifacts.
6. The landscaper planted bushes and flowers around the fountain.
7. They planted small trees along the hiking trails.
8. The kindergarteners planted sunflower seeds in small pots.
9. The gardener planted tulips, crocuses and daffodils for spring bulbs.
10. The crops were planted at the beginning of the rainy season.
11. They planted the bomb under the bridge.
12. Police discovered the pipe bomb that had been planted in the schoolyard.
13. The idea for the new business was first planted in his mind years ago.
14. The suspicion that he was lying was first planted in her mind.
15. Her ambition to become an actress was planted by her mother at a young age.
16. Doubts about his faithfulness were planted by malicious gossip.
17. The flag was planted on the summit of the mountain.
18. Traders first planted the colony on the coast.
19. The seeds of distrust were planted early in their relationship.
20. Doubt was first planted in my mind when she gave inconsistent answers.
21. Kissing Mandy planted the idea of a future together in John's head.
22. The memory of their first kiss had been planted deep in her mind.
23. The journalist planted a hidden camera in the office to catch the corrupt executive.
24. The spy planted the listening device in the conference room.
25. The actor planted a kiss on his co-star's cheek.
26. She planted a firm kiss on his lips.
27. Grandma planted a kiss on the baby's forehead.
28. The gardener planted some flowers to brighten up the yard.
29. The scientist planted a lettuce seed on the moon in a NASA experiment.
30. The DEA planted an undercover agent in the drug ring.
31. The protestors planted themselves on the steps of the Capitol building.
32. The retired couple planted themselves in front of the television each evening.
33. The headline in the newspaper planted doubt in the minds of citizens.
34. The new evidence planted reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors.
35. Rumors planted seeds of suspicion among the villagers.
36. Her confession planted the truth firmly in his mind.
37. They planted fruit trees to provide shade in the backyard.
38. Farmers and ranchers planted fence lines with elm trees.
39. The government planted acres of pine trees after the forest fire.
40. Questions were planted in the students' heads before the lecture.
41. The clandestine plans were first planted among the conspirators.
42. The idea of creating a charity was first planted in his mind as a teen.
43. The landscaper planted roses, daisies and sunflowers in the garden beds.
44. The gardener planted perennials that would bloom throughout the summer.
45. The landscaping company planted shrubs and bushes to add privacy to the yard.
46. The troops planted IEDs along the road to ambush enemy vehicles.
47. She firmly planted her feet on the ground and faced the music.
48. The toddler planted himself on the floor and refused to budge.
49. The ornithologist planted feeders in the yard to attract birds.
50. The senior scouts planted flags at Campground A before heading to Campground B.
51. Mother Nature planted my flower garden this spring.
52. Farmers planted corn in straight rows across vast expanses of farmland.
53. They planted cedar trees as a noise barrier between the new housing development and the highway.
54. The professor planted the seed of doubt that led me to question everything I thought I knew.
55. The journalist planted the undercover camera and quickly left before he could be detected.
56. Farmers plant corn, soybeans, and wheat every spring.
57. The landscaper planted flowers along the pathway to brighten up the garden.
58. The landscaping company planted hedges to provide privacy in the backyard.
59. The protesters planted themselves on the village green in an act of civil disobedience.
60. She planted an affectionate kiss on his cheek.

Common Phases

1. Plant a seed - To introduce an idea that begins to grow or develop in someone's mind.
2. Plant a kiss - To give someone a kiss, usually on the cheek or forehead.
3. Plant your feet - To stand firmly in place or position.
4. Plant a bug - To secretly place an electronic listening or recording device.
5. Plant a bomb - To secretly place an explosive device.
6. Plant the idea - To introduce or suggest an idea to someone.
7. Plant a tree- To put a small tree in the ground so it can grow.
8. Planted like a tree - Standing or remaining still and unmoving in one place.
9. Plant doubt - To cause someone to have uncertainty or lack of confidence.
10. Have seeds of doubt planted - To develop doubts or suspicions.
11. Plant oneself - To position oneself firmly in a place.
12. Plant arms - To place one's hands on one's hips with elbows out to the sides.
13. Plant false evidence - To purposely place incriminating evidence to frame someone.
14. Plant a flag - To raise a flag, usually as a symbol of conquest or claim to ownership.
15. Plant roots - To become settled or established in a place.

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