Planters example sentences

Related (4): gardener, potter, flowerpot, nursery

"Planters" Example Sentences

1. The planters along the walkway added a touch of beauty to the garden.
2. The planters on the windowsill were filled with colorful flowers.
3. The planters were made of clay and adorned with intricate designs.
4. The planters on the balcony spilled over with lush, green foliage.
5. The planters were arranged in a neat row along the fence.
6. The planters on the porch were filled with fragrant herbs.
7. The planters were overflowing with vibrant petunias.
8. The planters were strategically placed to create a natural barrier.
9. The planters were carefully tended to ensure healthy growth.
10. The planters were painted a deep shade of blue to match the house.
11. The planters were crafted from recycled materials to promote sustainability.
12. The planters were arranged in tiers to create a cascading effect.
13. The planters were watered daily to keep the soil moist.
14. The planters were scattered throughout the park, providing shade and beauty.
15. The planters were filled with succulents that could withstand the hot, dry climate.
16. The planters on the patio were lined with fairy lights for a romantic atmosphere.
17. The planters were filled with annuals that would bloom all season.
18. The planters were placed on pedestals to elevate them and enhance their visibility.
19. The planters were surrounded by colorful foliage for contrast.
20. The planters were arranged in a circular pattern for a unique look.
21. The planters were constructed from sturdy metal to withstand harsh weather.
22. The planters were placed strategically to draw attention to the building's entrance.
23. The planters were designed to be easily moved for maintenance purposes.
24. The planters were set up on wheels to allow for easy mobility.
25. The planters on the rooftop garden were filled with vegetables and herbs.
26. The planters were shaped like animals, adding a playful touch to the garden.
27. The planters were filled with rocks and succulents for a modern, minimalist look.
28. The planters were placed along the edge of the pool for a tropical vibe.
29. The planters were painted in various shades of green to mimic a natural landscape.
30. The planters were lined with burlap for a rustic feel.

Common Phases

1. "I love decorating my home with beautiful planters; they add so much life and color to the space."
2. "Planters filled with succulents are perfect for adding a touch of greenery to small apartments; they require very little maintenance and look great on windowsills."
3. "I prefer using ceramic planters for my indoor plants; they have a classic look and come in a variety of colors and designs."
4. "Terra cotta planters are great for outdoor use; they're sturdy and can handle different types of weather conditions."
5. "I love creating my own planters using recycled materials; it's a fun and eco-friendly way to add greenery to your home."
6. "Hanging planters are a great way to save floor space; they add visual interest to your walls and give your plants more natural light."
7. "Planters with built-in drainage systems are essential for keeping your plants healthy; they prevent water from building up and causing root rot."
8. "I like using modern planters with clean lines for my minimalist home decor; they add a subtle touch of style without overwhelming the space."
9. "I enjoy experimenting with different textures and materials for my planters; wicker, metal, and glass are just a few that I've tried."
10. "If you're looking for a unique way to display your plants, try using tiered planters; they add dimension to your space and allow you to showcase multiple plants at once."

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