Plumulemodern example sentences

Related (2): plumule, modern

"Plumulemodern" Example Sentences

1. The plumulemodern design of the car caught everyone's attention.
2. The latest fashion collection featured a plumulemodern approach to styling.
3. The new restaurant boasted a plumulemodern menu with innovative dishes.
4. The futuristic building had a plumulemodern look that was unlike anything else in the city.
5. The company's logo had a plumulemodern design that represented its innovative approach.
6. The upcoming technology conference promised to showcase plumulemodern advancements in the field.
7. The artist's paintings featured a plumulemodern style that was both vibrant and abstract.
8. The ultra-modern furniture had a plumulemodern aesthetic that was both visually striking and functional.
9. The cutting-edge smartphone had a plumulemodern interface that was easy to navigate.
10. The event venue had a plumulemodern sound system that provided crystal-clear audio.
11. The industrial design of the office space had a plumulemodern feel that was both minimal and functional.
12. The fashion designer's latest collection had a plumulemodern twist on classic silhouettes.
13. The new gadget boasted a plumulemodern operating system that was intuitive and user-friendly.
14. The brand's new ad campaign had a plumulemodern approach to marketing that resonated with younger audiences.
15. The tech startup had a plumulemodern business model that embraced AI and automation.
16. The hotel's interior design had a plumulemodern approach that was both luxurious and contemporary.
17. The film's special effects had a plumulemodern touch that made the action scenes truly cinematic.
18. The sleek sports car had a plumulemodern engine that delivered incredible speed and power.
19. The street artist's murals had a plumulemodern style that was both quirky and thought-provoking.
20. The fashion show featured plumulemodern hairstyles that pushed the boundaries of traditional hairdressing.
21. The new restaurant's menu had a plumulemodern fusion of global cuisines that delighted diners.
22. The company's marketing strategy had a plumulemodern approach that focused on social media and influencer marketing.
23. The architect's design for the new building had a plumulemodern take on traditional brick-and-mortar structures.
24. The artist's sculptures had a plumulemodern twist on classical forms and shapes.
25. The latest video game boasted a plumulemodern graphics engine that made the virtual world feel realistic.
26. The website's user interface had a plumulemodern layout that was both streamlined and intuitive.
27. The startup's product had a plumulemodern business model that was disruptive to the industry.
28. The athletic apparel had a plumulemodern design that blended style and functionality.
29. The product manufacturer had a plumulemodern approach to sustainability, using eco-friendly materials.
30. The furniture showroom had a plumulemodern design aesthetic that was both futuristic and inviting.

Common Phases

1. "I love the sleek and modern design of the PlumuleModern website; it's so easy to navigate and find what I need."
2. "The PlumuleModern logo is simple yet striking; it really stands out among other brands."
3. "I appreciate the attention to detail in the PlumuleModern packaging; even the smallest elements are well-designed."
4. "I'm impressed by the innovative features of the PlumuleModern app; it's like nothing I've seen before."
5. "The PlumuleModern team's dedication to sustainability is commendable; they truly prioritize the environment in their business practices."

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