Plutocratico example sentences

Related (8): ricos, elite, privilegios, poder, desigualdad, lobby, monopolio, fiscalidad.

"Plutocratico" Example Sentences

1. The country's economic policies are often criticized as being too plutocratic.
2. The government's decision to cut taxes for the wealthy has been seen as a move towards plutocracy.
3. Plutocratic elites often control political power and manipulate the system for their own benefit.
4. The rise of the tech industry has created a new class of plutocrats.
5. Many argue that America's political system is becoming more and more plutocratic.
6. The country's social hierarchy is based on a rigid plutocratic structure.
7. The wealthy elites have formed a plutocracy that dominates the country's economy.
8. The government's unwillingness to address income inequality is seen as a symptom of plutocracy.
9. The power of the monarchy was replaced by a new plutocratic class.
10. The country's political parties are dominated by plutocratic interests.
11. The media is often criticized for being too sympathetic to plutocratic interests.
12. Many believe that the country is perilously close to becoming a full-blown plutocracy.
13. The influence of plutocrats in the political process is often hidden from public view.
14. The country's economic policies have been designed to benefit the plutocracy.
15. Plutocratic oligarchies often use propaganda to manipulate public opinion.
16. The plutocrats often use their wealth to influence public officials and government policies.
17. The plutocracy is often able to hide their true agenda from the public through clever manipulation.
18. Many of the country's most successful entrepreneurs have become part of the plutocratic elite.
19. The plutocrats are often able to use their vast wealth to ensure that their interests always come first.
20. Plutocratic elites use their economic power to maintain political influence.
21. The plutocrats are often able to use their vast resources to manipulate public opinion.
22. The rise of the new plutocracy has caused growing concern among those worried about rising income inequality.
23. The plutocracy has been able to maintain its power by controlling the political system.
24. Many believe that the country is in danger of becoming a plutocratic dystopia.
25. The plutocracy is often able to use its wealth to prevent effective checks on its power.
26. The influence of the plutocracy is often invisible, but its impact is felt throughout society.
27. The country's political system is heavily influenced by the interests of the plutocratic elite.
28. The plutocracy often uses its wealth to create a false sense of public support for its policies.
29. The economic policies of the plutocracy have created massive inequality in the country.
30. The rise of the plutocracy has led to growing social unrest and political instability.

Common Phases

1. The current political system is becoming increasingly plutocratico;
2. It's a common perception that only the wealthy have significant sway in plutocratico societies;
3. Plutocratico tendencies often result in inequality and a concentration of power;
4. The existence of a plutocratico environment can have detrimental effects on the development of a country;
5. Critics argue that the plutocratico elite prioritize their own interests over those of the general public;
6. The rise of plutocratico influence can be seen in various sectors, from finance to media;
7. Many believe that plutocratico societies are antithetical to democratic principles.

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