Plutocratn example sentences

Related (10): wealthy, powerful, privileged, elite, oligarch, aristocrat, tycoon, magnate, billionaire, influential.

"Plutocratn" Example Sentences

1. The new tax laws favored the plutocratn class, furthering income inequality.
2. The plutocratn businessmen profit greatly off the labor of their employees.
3. Political campaigns are often funded by plutocratn donors.
4. The country was ruled by a small group of plutocratn elites.
5. The plutocratn elite often use their power and wealth to influence government decisions.
6. Many people believe that the current economic system is designed to benefit the plutocratn class.
7. The gap between the working-class and plutocratn class continues to widen.
8. The political climate favors the interests of plutocratn individuals and corporations.
9. Plutocratn politicians often push for policies that benefit their own financial interests.
10. The plutocratn class has a disproportionate amount of power and influence in society.
11. The majority of the world's wealth is held by a small group of plutocratn individuals.
12. The rise of the plutocratn class has led to an increase in corruption and greed.
13. The government must take action to address the power and influence of the plutocratn class.
14. Many people feel powerless against the influence of plutocratn elites.
15. The influence of plutocratn donors on political campaigns is a cause for concern.
16. The media often serves the interests of the plutocratn class, perpetuating a biased narrative.
17. The current economic system allows for the accumulation of wealth by the plutocratn class at the expense of working-class individuals.
18. Plutocratn elites often use their wealth to evade taxes and avoid consequences for their actions.
19. The rise of the plutocratn class has led to a decline in economic mobility and opportunity for many people.
20. Plutocratn businessmen often use their wealth and power to silence critics and prevent scrutiny.
21. The government must take steps to address the power imbalance between the plutocratn class and the rest of society.
22. Plutocratn politicians often defend policies that maintain the status quo of wealth and power imbalance in society.
23. The plutocratn elite often use their wealth to gain access to exclusive opportunities and privileges.
24. The influence of the plutocratn class extends beyond politics and into other areas of society.
25. The government must prioritize the needs and interests of the working-class over the interests of the plutocratn class.
26. Plutocratn families often use their wealth to ensure their children maintain their elite status and power.
27. The plutocratn class often controls the narrative of society, shaping perceptions and ideas.
28. The concentration of wealth within the plutocratn class limits economic growth and opportunity for the rest of society.
29. Plutocratn individuals often use their wealth to establish monopolies and prevent competition.
30. The influence of the plutocratn class on society must be addressed to ensure a fair and just system for all.

Common Phases

1. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer; a clear sign of the growing plutocracy.
2. In a society where money talks, the plutocrats hold the power.
3. Corporate greed fuels the plutocracy, leaving little room for the rest of us.
4. The gap between the haves and have-nots widens as the plutocrats amass even greater wealth.
5. The true danger of a plutocracy lies in the unequal distribution of resources and opportunity.
6. When the government is bought and paid for by the plutocrats, democracy is in peril.
7. The plutocrats often use their wealth to influence public policy in their favor.
8. In the eyes of the plutocrats, the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.
9. The rise of a plutocracy is a threat to social justice and equality.
10. The plutocrats hold the keys to power and are not likely to let them go without a fight.

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