Poaches example sentences

Related (10): hunt, trespasses, captures, steals, snatches, takes, preys, encroaches, poachers, pillages

"Poaches" Example Sentences

1. The eggs were poached to perfection.
2. She cooked poached eggs for breakfast.
3. The recipe calls for poached salmon.
4. The livery cook poached the trout in court bouillon.
5. The judge sentenced the poachers to jail time.
6. Police arrested the men for illegally poaching deer.
7. He was caught poaching wild ducks out of season.
8. The ranger caught the trio poaching elk in the national forest.
9. The wildlife advocate worked to stop the illegal poaching of endangered animals.
10. Poached pears are a classic French dessert.
11. The vendor sold poached fruit at the farmer's market.
12. The talented chef prepared a sumptuous dish of poached quail.
13. His signature dish was poached lobster.
14. She enjoyed poached chicken breasts for lunch.
15. They prepared poached eggs Benedict for brunch.
16. She made an exquisite poached pear tart for dessert.
17. The restaurant specialized in delicious poached whole fish.
18. I ordered the halibut poached in a lemon butter sauce.
19. I poached the prunes in a white wine broth.
20. The recipe called for poaching apricots in syrup.
21. I like my poached eggs on anEnglish muffin topped with hollandaise sauce.
22. My mother often poached meats for Sunday dinner.
23. The orchard sells delicious poached peaches in season.
24. The cafeteria served poached eggs on toast for breakfast.
25. He was accused of poaching game on private property.
26. Rhino poaching has reached crisis levels in South Africa.
27. The chef poached the plums with white wine and spices.
28. They poached oysters in their shells over a wood fire.
29. The cook gently poached the meats and fish in flavored broths.
30. Tourists flocked to the restaurant for its famously poached Alaskan halibut.
31. The campers enjoyed poached trout caught that morning in the stream.
32. The chef's poached figs in vanilla syrup are legendary.
33. Critics praised his exquisitely poached diver scallops.
34. They were found guilty of illegally poaching wild turkey.
35. I prefer poached chicken breasts over grilled or fried.
36. The restaurant's poached perch was the highlight of the menu.
37. They made poached pears topped with chocolate sauce for dessert.
38. The sous chef prepared the poached eggs to order.
39. Poached chicken salad was her favorite lunch.
40. The omelet cook prepared poached eggs for customers who ordered them.
41. The berry farm sold deliciously poached berries in season.
42. Game wardens sting operations targeted poachers.
43. He preferred poached trout over fried.
44. They leisurely poached the chicken overnight for dinner the next day.
45. Elephant poaching has driven some species to near extinction.
46. Locals were outraged that wealthy foreigners were poaching precious wildlife.
47. The cook gently poached the whitefish fillets in a court bouillon.
48. I make a mean poached pear and ginger sauce.
49. They were found with illegally poached ducks in their freezer.
50. Game officials vowed to crack down on poaching of endangered animals.

Common Phases

1. The hunter poaches deer out of season.
2. The poacher enters the national park and poaches wildlife illegally.
3. The chef poaches eggs in simmering water to make them perfectly soft-boiled.
4. The rival team's manager poaches my best players by offering them more money.
5. The restaurant across the street poaches customers by undercutting our prices.
6. My neighbor frequently poaches my garden vegetables when I'm not looking.
7. The cook poaches salmon fillets in a fragrant court-bouillon.
8. The elegant restaurant is famous for its perfectly poached lobster tail.
9. The athletic trainer tells the player to apply an ice pack to poach the painful swelling.
10. The thief poached jewelry from several fine stores before being caught.
11. The lioness carefully poaches cubs from rival prides to increase her numbers.
12. My cat poaches food from my plate while I'm distracted.
13. The tree frog poaches insects from the pond's surface.
14. The babysitter poached the children from my sister by offering lower rates.
15. The critic poaches fragments from other writers without proper attribution.
16. The substitute teacher poached lesson plans from veteran teachers without permission.
17. The witch cautiously poaches potion ingredients from the forest.
18. The coach poached the star football player from a rival school.
19. The band poaches the guitar riff from an earlier hit song without credit.
20. The counterfeiter poaches luxury handbag designs to create fakes.
21. My teacher poached my interesting idea for a term paper and used it for her own thesis.
22. The poachers raid the caviar farm in the dead of night.
23. The master chef poaches seafood to perfection in aromatic court-bouillon.
24. The military poaches the best scientific minds for its weapons programs.
25. The team poaches talent from its competitors by aggressively bidding for players.
26. The jealous coworker poaches my best clients and customers.
27. The poachers set traps to illegally catch wildlife such as beavers and otters.
28. The chef poaches fruit in a sweet syrup to enhance flavor and texture.
29. The manufacturer poaches production workers from rival factories.
30. The government military poaches drone technology designed for civilian use.
31. The unethical hedge fund poached the best portfolio manager from our company.
32. The private school poaches the most talented students from public schools.
33. The personal trainer poaches clients by undercutting his competitor's prices.
34. The chef carefully poaches sweetbreads in a flavorful court-bouillon.
35. The rival restaurant poaches our customers with two-for-one promotional deals.
36. The scouts poach promising young athletes before other teams can recruit them.
37. The beautician poaches clients from other salons by offering cheaper prices.
38. My cat poaches the dog's food whenever he has a chance.
39. The investor poached the startup's business plan to launch a competing company.
40. The secret agent poaches military secrets to sell to foreign adversaries.
41. The process of poaching an egg involves either simmering or steaming in water.
42. The scientist poached sensitive research data from the university lab.
43. The carpenter poaches his tools from work whenever he can get away with it.
44. The football team tries to poach talented players from rival teams.
45. The secret agent had to poach information from a heavily guarded compound.
46. The recipe calls for poaching chicken breasts in a white wine sauce.
47. The thief poached a diamond necklace from the jewelry store last night.
48. The shady talent agent poaches clients from other agencies.
49. The entrepreneur poaches good ideas from other startup companies.
50. The man was accused of poaching protected deer in the national forest.
51. The bird poaches worms from the freshly tilled garden soil.
52. The supervisor poaches the best employees from other departments.
53. The coach poached the top recruit from his arch rival school.
54. The teenagers poached peaches from the old farmer's orchard.
55. The recipe calls for poaching pears in a red wine simmering liquid.
56. The process of poaching an egg involves heating it gently in water below boiling point.
57. My cat likes to poach pieces of chicken off my dinner plate while I'm not looking.
58. The poacher set traps to illegally catch beaver for their fur.
59. The fruit farmer accused his neighbor of poaching apples from his orchard.
60. The sous chef perfectly poaches fresh halibut in a lemongrass-infused court-bouillon.

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