Poisel example sentences

"Poisel" Example Sentences

1. The delicate poise of the ballerina was truly mesmerizing.
2. I had to poise myself carefully before jumping off the diving board.
3. The bird perched on the branch with effortless poise.
4. The gymnast demonstrated incredible poise and agility on the balance beam.
5. The vase was a work of art, with its elegant poise and intricate design.
6. She maintained her poise even under the most stressful circumstances.
7. The statue had a regal poise, as if it were a king surveying his kingdom.
8. The singer's poise belied her nervousness before the big performance.
9. The model walked down the runway with grace and poise.
10. The soldier marched with a fierce poise, his head held high.
11. The dancer had to maintain her poise even as her partner lifted her into the air.
12. The way the cat sat on the windowsill was a study in poise and balance.
13. The athlete showed incredible poise and control as he hurdled over the obstacle.
14. The pianist played with great poise and expression, bringing the audience to tears.
15. The politician displayed great poise and charisma during the debate.
16. The diver demonstrated perfect poise as she executed a flawless dive.
17. The horse had a noble poise, with its head held high and its mane flowing in the wind.
18. The boxer fought with poise and precision, dodging his opponent's blows with ease.
19. The actress maintained her poise even as the stage lights flickered and went out.
20. The dancer's poise was the result of years of training and practice.
21. The artwork had a beautiful poise, with its vibrant colors and exquisite details.
22. The fencer had to maintain her poise as she engaged in a fierce battle with her opponent.
23. The ballet company performed with incredible poise and grace, earning a standing ovation.
24. The gymnast showed remarkable poise and flexibility as she contorted her body into impossible positions.
25. The martial artist had a powerful poise, exuding an air of calm and control.
26. The river flowed with a serene poise, its waters shimmering in the sunlight.
27. The chef worked with poise and precision, creating a masterpiece of culinary art.
28. The singer's poise onstage was the result of countless hours of rehearsal and preparation.
29. The skater had to maintain her poise even as she spun and twirled across the ice.
30. The sculpture had an incredible poise, capturing the essence of its subject with stunning realism.
31. The swimmer showed incredible poise and stamina as she crossed the finish line first.
32. The dancer's poise was the defining feature of her performance, earning her rave reviews.
33. The architect designed the building with careful poise, ensuring that every detail was perfectly balanced.
34. The runner had to maintain his poise as he sprinted towards the finish line, his muscles straining with effort.
35. The artist painted with exquisite poise, each brushstroke a testament to his skill and talent.
36. The dancer moved with effortless poise, as if floating on air.
37. The butterfly displayed a graceful poise as it flitted from flower to flower.
38. The yogi had a tranquil poise, his mind and body in perfect harmony.
39. The acrobat had to maintain his poise as he balanced atop a towering stack of chairs.
40. The guitarist played with incredible poise and finesse, his fingers dancing across the strings with ease.

Common Phases

- She poises her pen above the paper;
- The dancer poises gracefully on one foot;
- He poises himself for the jump;
- The bird poises in mid-air before catching its prey;
- She poises her hand on her hip and taps her foot impatiently.

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