Polemic example sentences
Related (16): Argument, controversy, debate, disagreement, dispute, quarrel, contention, altercation, wrangle, spat, rift, dissension, hostility, rivalry, animosity, enmity.
"Polemic" Example Sentences
1. The author used polemic language to attack his opponents.
2. The polemic between the two politicians became increasingly heated.
3. The article featured a scathing polemic against the government's policies.
4. His polemic against organized religion caused much controversy.
5. The debate turned into a bitter polemic.
6. The professor's polemic lecture proved divisive among students.
7. The writer's polemic style created many enemies.
8. The politician delivered a fiery polemic against his opponents.
9. The blogger was known for her polemic rants against political correctness.
10. The talk show host's polemic attacks often crossed the line.
11. Her calm demeanor belied the fierce polemic of her writings.
12. The academic seminar descended into a bitter polemic.
13. His polemic against the arts establishment offended many curators.
14. The preacher's polemic sermon riled up the congregation.
15. The philosopher wrote a polemic treatise against hierarchy.
16. The editor removed the polemic passages from the manuscript.
17. His polemic was meant to provoke, not persuade.
18. The polemicist used inflammatory rhetoric to enrage his readers.
19. The politician's polemic speech won him few fans.
20. The book consisted mainly of polemic arguments.
21. Her polemic tone only served to alienate readers from her point of view.
22. The editorial adopted a harshly polemic stance against immigration.
23. The website frequently featured polemic articles taking extreme positions.
24. The author adopted an increasingly polemic tone in later editions of the book.
25. The polemic nature of his writing left little room for nuance.
26. His polemic foreclosed any possibility of rational debate.
27. The polemic column angered many readers.
28. The polemic essay enraged several political factions.
29. The journalist's polemic reporting was criticized as irresponsible.
30. There were polemic overtones to much of his rhetoric.
31. Her polemic style did not allow for counterarguments.
32. The playwright's polemic drama polarized audiences.
33. The polemic exchange soon degenerated into name-calling.
34. There was always a polemic undertone to his critiques.
35. The increasingly polemic nature of the debate threatened free speech.
36. The polemic letter-writer soon found himself isolated.
37. The general's polemic speech riled up the troops.
38. Her polemic lecture drew heated protests from students.
39. The speechwriter helped temper some of the president's more polemic remarks.
40. The criticism was framed in deliberately polemic terms.
41. The interview soon turned into a polemic exchange of insults.
42. The preacher's polemic sermons often offended parishioners.
43. The polemic essay argued for the complete destruction of the opposing view.
44. The columnist's polemic pieces seemed designed mostly to inflame passions.
45. The professor's polemic comments drew the ire of students and colleagues.
46. The polemic pamphlet was meant to whip up public outrage.
47. The polemic tone of the op-ed piece polarized readers.
48. The polemic nature of his attacks made enemies of potential allies.
49. The blogger's polemic rants tended to lack nuance.
50. The polemic nature of much political discourse today leaves little room for agreement.
51. The polemic rhetoric relied more on provocation than convincing arguments.
52. The polemic pamphlet denounced all opponents in the harshest terms.
53. The polemic nature of the critique rendered any meaningful discussion impossible.
54. The polemic thesis served mainly to polarize rather than enlighten.
55. The polemic editorial condemned all compromise as a sellout.
56. The polemic overtones of much political discourse today only serve to divide people further.
57. The polemic commentary left little room for reasoned debate.
58. The polemic debate devolved into personal attacks and insults.
59. The polemic tone of the exchange quickly stifled any hope for constructive dialogue.
60. The polemic nature of his argumentation foreclosed the possibility of nuanced discussion.
Common Phases
1. His latest book ignited a fierce polemic between conservatives and liberals.
2. The essay contained harsh polemics against capitalism and corporatism.
3. The author framed her work as a polemic against sexism in the workplace.
4. His polemic style annoyed many of his contemporaries.
5. Her political column was full of vitriolic polemics against the sitting government.
6. The author's reputation rests on his early philosophical polemics.
7. The newspaper published many polemical essays criticizing the government's policies.
8. She wrote a fierce polemic against patriarchal religions.
9. The polemic nature of the speech angered audience members on both sides of the issue.
10. The professor's hardline polemics did little to change hearts and minds.
11. The politician's speech contained many polemical exaggerations and distortions.
12. The editorial avoided polemical language in favor of reasoned argument.
13. His harsh polemical style often turned people away from his message.
14. Polemical speeches dominated the political campaign debate.
15. The social media post sparked a polemical debate on race relations.
16. The polemic nature of his speechwriting angered the opposition party.
17. Her op-ed piece contained pointed polemics against government corruption.
18. The polemics in his early essays became more nuanced over time.
19. He framed the issue in a polemic way that infuriated the other side.
20. The diatribe was full of harsh polemics against immigration.