Pollsters example sentences

Related (4): surveyors, statisticians, researchers, analysts

"Pollsters" Example Sentences

1. According to recent polls, pollsters have found that more Americans favor stricter gun control laws.
2. The opinions of pollsters can greatly influence political campaigns and strategies.
3. The accuracy of pollsters can sometimes be called into question if their sampling methods are not representative.
4. Pollsters use a variety of methods, including phone surveys and online polls, to gather data.
5. Some politicians have been known to hire their own pollsters to conduct research on their opponents.
6. The role of pollsters is to provide reliable and accurate information on public opinion.
7. Pollsters are often hired by businesses to conduct market research and gather data on consumer preferences.
8. It's important for pollsters to remain neutral and unbiased in their research in order to avoid influencing the results.
9. Experienced pollsters can often predict election outcomes with a high degree of accuracy.
10. In recent years, there has been some criticism of pollsters for failing to accurately predict events like Brexit and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.
11. Pollsters have found that younger generations are more likely to support progressive policies and social justice causes.
12. The opinions of pollsters can be heavily influenced by the wording and framing of the questions they ask.
13. The accuracy of polls conducted by pollsters can sometimes be affected by low response rates.
14. Good pollsters know how to draw accurate conclusions from their data while taking into account potential biases and errors.
15. Pollsters can be valuable resources for policy makers and political candidates looking to gauge public opinion on important issues.
16. Some pollsters specialize in certain areas, such as healthcare or environmental policy.
17. The use of online polls has become increasingly popular among pollsters in recent years.
18. Pollsters sometimes ask questions to gauge the intensity of people's opinions on certain issues, such as abortion or immigration.
19. Many pollsters conduct exit polls on Election Day in order to gather data on how people voted and why.
20. One criticism of pollsters is that their methods may not take into account the views of people who do not typically participate in surveys.
21. Professionals such as journalists and marketers often consult pollsters in order to gauge public sentiment and reaction.
22. Pollsters must follow ethical guidelines when conducting research, including obtaining informed consent from participants and maintaining confidentiality.
23. Pollsters sometimes use statistical weighting to adjust their data in order to correct for certain biases or errors.
24. The rise of social media has made it easier for pollsters to gather data on public opinion and behavior.
25. The reliability of polls conducted by pollsters can sometimes be undermined by fraudulent responses or "ballot stuffing."
26. Pollsters must take care to avoid unintentionally influencing the outcomes of their surveys through their wording or presentation of questions.
27. Some pollsters have developed sophisticated algorithms and predictive models in order to forecast future trends and events.
28. Pollsters can provide valuable insights to political campaigns regarding how to tailor their messaging and target their advertising.
29. The results of polls conducted by pollsters can sometimes be affected by the socioeconomic background of the participants.
30. Pollsters are often called upon to conduct surveys and gather data in order to inform policy decisions at the local, state, and federal levels.

Common Phases

you want me to provide examples of common phrases that can be formed using the word "pollsters" separated by semicolons? If so, here are some:
1. Many pollsters believe that their research can accurately predict election outcomes; however, recent events have shown that this is not always the case.
2. Some pollsters are accused of skewing their results in favor of certain political parties; others argue that they are merely reflecting the opinions of the public.
3. The role of pollsters has become increasingly important in modern politics; their findings can have a significant impact on how campaigns are run and how issues are framed.
4. Pollsters use a variety of methods to gather data, including phone surveys, online polls, and focus groups; the goal is to generate a representative sample of the population.
5. The accuracy of pollsters' predictions is often scrutinized and criticized; many argue that polls can be influenced by factors such as social desirability bias and sampling error.
6. Some pollsters specialize in particular types of research, such as tracking consumer sentiment or measuring public opinion on specific issues; others provide broader polling services.
7. The use of pollsters and polling data has become ubiquitous in many areas of public life, from politics to marketing to social research; however, concerns have been raised about the potential for these methods to be misused or misinterpreted.

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