Polyuriamodl example sentences

Related (2): polyuria, model

"Polyuriamodl" Example Sentences

1. The doctor diagnosed her with polyuriamodl, a condition that causes excessive urine production.
2. Polyuriamodl can be a sign of underlying health problems, such as diabetes or kidney disease.
3. She experienced frequent bathroom trips due to her polyuriamodl.
4. The laboratory results revealed the patient had polyuriamodl.
5. Polyuriamodl can cause dehydration if not properly managed.
6. Drinking plenty of fluids can help manage symptoms of polyuriamodl.
7. Certain medications can cause polyuriamodl as a side effect.
8. Polyuriamodl can affect people of all ages and genders.
9. The patient's medical history suggested a predisposition for polyuriamodl.
10. She had to wake up several times during the night due to polyuriamodl.
11. Polyuriamodl can negatively impact one's quality of life.
12. Treatment options for polyuriamodl vary depending on the underlying cause.
13. The doctor recommended further testing to determine the cause of her polyuriamodl.
14. Polyuriamodl can lead to feelings of embarrassment and social anxiety.
15. The patient was advised to keep a journal of their urine output to monitor their polyuriamodl.
16. Polyuriamodl can lead to urinary tract infections if not properly managed.
17. The patient's family history suggested a genetic predisposition for polyuriamodl.
18. Certain lifestyle changes, such as reducing caffeine intake, can help manage polyuriamodl.
19. The patient was prescribed medication to help manage their polyuriamodl.
20. Polyuriamodl can be a symptom of hormonal imbalances in the body.
21. The patient was advised to consult with a nutritionist to develop a diet plan to manage their polyuriamodl.
22. Polyuriamodl can cause disruptions in the sleep cycle.
23. The patient was referred to a specialist to further investigate their polyuriamodl.
24. Polyuriamodl can lead to feelings of fatigue and weakness.
25. The doctor recommended a pelvic exam to rule out any underlying conditions causing the patient's polyuriamodl.
26. The patient was advised to avoid alcohol consumption to help manage their polyuriamodl.
27. Polyuriamodl can be a side effect of certain types of cancer.
28. The patient was instructed to keep track of their fluid intake to manage their polyuriamodl.
29. Polyuriamodl can cause an electrolyte imbalance in the body.
30. The patient was prescribed a diuretic to help manage their polyuriamodl.
31. Polyuriamodl can be caused by an overactive bladder.
32. The doctor recommended pelvic floor exercises to help manage the patient's polyuriamodl.
33. Polyuriamodl can increase the risk of dehydration during physical activity.
34. The patient was advised to avoid foods high in sugar to help manage their polyuriamodl.
35. Polyuriamodl can cause discomfort and irritation in the genital area.
36. The patient was referred to a physical therapist to help manage their polyuriamodl.
37. Polyuriamodl can cause frequent urination during the daytime as well as at night.
38. The doctor advised the patient to limit their fluid intake before bedtime to help manage their polyuriamodl.
39. Polyuriamodl can be a symptom of an autoimmune disorder.
40. The patient was prescribed medication to relax their bladder muscles and help manage their polyuriamodl.

Common Phases

1. Polyuria modl is a condition characterized by excessive urine production.
2. Treatment for polyuria modl may involve medications to regulate urine output.
3. Polyuria modl can lead to dehydration if left untreated.
4. Patients with polyuria modl should monitor their fluid intake closely.
5. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to correct underlying conditions causing polyuria modl.
6. If left untreated, polyuria modl can lead to electrolyte imbalances and kidney damage.
7. The exact cause of polyuria modl varies and may require further testing to identify.
8. Polyuria modl can be managed through lifestyle changes such as increasing fluid intake and reducing caffeine consumption.
9. Patients with polyuria modl should work closely with their healthcare provider to develop an individualized treatment plan.
10. Fortunately, with proper treatment and management, most individuals with polyuria modl can lead a healthy, normal life.

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