Ponderingly example sentences

Related (7): thoughtfully, contemplatively, reflectively, meditatively, cogitatively, musingly, introspectively.

"Ponderingly" Example Sentences

1. He looked at me ponderingly, trying to gauge my sincerity.
2. She stared at the sea ponderingly, lost in thought.
3. The old man gazed ponderingly into the fire, reminiscing about his youth.
4. The teacher regarded her students ponderingly, wondering how best to explain the difficult concept.
5. The judge looked down at the defendant ponderingly, weighing the impact of his sentence.
6. I paused ponderingly before answering, choosing my words carefully.
7. The king regarded his advisers ponderingly, contemplating their proposals.
8. He turned the coin over and over in his hand ponderingly, considering its value.
9. The waiter stared at the empty plate ponderingly, trying to work out what to recommend next.
10. She looked at herself in the mirror ponderingly, wondering if she really liked the dress she wore.
11. The scientist examined the petri dish ponderingly, unsure of what the results meant.
12. The judge regarded the jury ponderingly, curious about the verdict they had reached.
13. The poet sat ponderingly by the riverbank, waiting for inspiration to strike.
14. She gazed ponderingly out of the window, lost in a daydream.
15. He looked at the vast desert ponderingly, wondering how he would ever cross it.
16. The general studied the battlefield map ponderingly, planning his next move.
17. The grandparents regarded their new grandchild ponderingly, marveling at his tiny features.
18. He studied the stars ponderingly, searching them for answers.
19. She turned the ancient artifact over ponderingly in her hands, wishing she could understand its secrets.
20. The mother regarded her toddler ponderingly, wondering where the years had gone.
21. I regarded their offer ponderingly but remained silent, not yet ready to commit.
22. The engineer examined the prototype invention ponderingly, considering how it could be improved.
23. The young student regarded her textbook ponderingly, wondering if she had the intelligence to understand it.
24. The architect studied the building plan ponderingly, considering how it could be improved.
25. The mechanic gazed ponderingly under the hood, trying to work out what was wrong with the engine.
26. She gazed ponderingly out at the sea, wondering what lay beyond the horizon.
27. The gardener regarded the poorly plant ponderingly, unsure of the right treatment.
28. The photographer studied the developed photos ponderingly, considering which ones to display.
29. He stroked his beard ponderingly, deep in thought.
30. The chess player studied the board ponderingly, strategizing his next move.
31. The artist regarded her blank canvas ponderingly, waiting for inspiration to strike.
32. She gazed ponderingly into the fire, lost in her memories.
33. The philosopher sat ponderingly under the tree, contemplating the meaning of life.
34. The book lay open on her lap as she gazed ponderingly out of the window.
35. The child looked ponderingly at the box of Lego, unsure where to begin.
36. She studied the inkblot test image ponderingly, trying to come up with plausible interpretations.
37. He turned the key over and over in his hand ponderingly, wondering where it belonged.
38. The pilot gazed ponderingly out of the cockpit window, unsure of their location.
39. I regarded her ponderingly, trying to work out why she seemed so familiar.
40. The scientist studied the test results ponderingly, unsure of their meaning.
41. The musician studied the sheet music ponderingly, trying to work out the difficult passage.
42. He looked out ponderingly across the battlefield, wondering how things could have turned out so badly.
43. The fortune teller gazed ponderingly into her crystal ball, searching for clues about the customer's future.
44. The detective studied the crime scene photos ponderingly, hoping they would reveal a crucial clue.
45. The climber gazed ponderingly up at the sheer rock face, wondering if he had the skill to scale it.
46. The student regarded her test paper ponderingly, unsure of how many questions she had answered correctly.
47. The collector turned the rare coin over and over in her hands ponderingly, considering its value.
48. He gazed ponderingly up at the night sky, lost in thought.
49. The adventurer stood ponderingly at the cave entrance, wondering what mysteries lay within.
50. She paused ponderingly before saying grace, searching for the right words.

Common Phases

1. He sat ponderingly, stroking his beard.
2. She stared ponderingly into the distance.
3. The old man stood ponderingly at the edge of the precipice.
4. He paced ponderingly around the room.
5. She tapped her chin ponderingly.
6. He stood ponderingly at the crossroads, unsure which path to take.
7. She gazed ponderingly into the starry night sky.
8. The fisherman sat ponderingly on the pier, gazing out at the waves.
9. He walked ponderingly through the rows of bookshelves.
10. She bit her lip ponderingly, trying to decide.
11. The thinker sat ponderingly in his armchair.
12. The CEO ponderingly studied the quarterly projections.
13. The scientist gazed ponderingly at the complex chemical equation.
14. The monk sat ponderingly in lotus position, meditating.
15. The professor stroked his beard ponderingly as he considered the student's question.
16. The student stared ponderingly at the complex math problem.
17. The writer gazed ponderingly into the flames of the fire, seeking inspiration.
18. The chef flipped through the recipe book ponderingly, considering options.
19. The philosopher paced ponderingly back and forth across the room.
20. The detective rubbed his chin ponderingly, perplexed by the clues.
21. She paced ponderingly across the floor, trying to recall the lost memory.
22. He stood ponderingly at the window, gazing out at the rain.
23. The prince stared ponderingly at the two options before him.
24. The detective rubbed his chin ponderingly, pondering the motive for the crime.
25. The farmer studied the fields ponderingly, considering the year's crop.
26. The doctor gazed ponderingly at the x-rays, searching for answers.
27. She tapped her foot ponderingly as she tried to solve the math problem.
28. He looked ponderingly into the mirror, contemplating the years gone by.
29. The waitress stood ponderingly behind the counter, hoping for customers.
30. She stared ponderingly into the distance, lost in thought.
31. The jury watched ponderingly as the witness gave their testimony.
32. He stroked his temples ponderingly as he puzzled over the difficult passage.
33. She bit her lip ponderingly as she read through the complicated contract.
34. The queen gazed ponderingly out the window at her kingdom.
35. He gazed ponderingly into the fireplace, deep in contemplation.
36. The general stroked his beard ponderingly as he studied the battlefield map.
37. She stared ponderingly up at the stars, wondering about the universe.
38. The Zen master sat ponderingly under the Bodhi tree.
39. She gazed ponderingly into the mirror, reflecting on her aging appearance.
40. The pianist sat ponderingly at the keys, searching for musical inspiration.
41. The novice monk sat ponderingly on his meditation cushion.
42. He looked ponderingly at his newborn daughter, wondering about her future.
43. The scientist gazed ponderingly at the microscope slide, spotting an anomaly.
44. The poet gazed ponderingly out the window, seeking words for a new poem.
45. The politician sat ponderingly in his office, considering his next big move.
46. She stared ponderingly into space, contemplating life's big questions.
47. The judge gazed ponderingly down at the defendants from the bench.
48. The inventor tapped her chin ponderingly as she puzzled over a technical problem.
49. The storyteller stared ponderingly into the fire, weaving his tales.
50. She gazed ponderingly into the pond, reflecting on her life so far.
51. The fortune teller gazed ponderingly at the tea leaves, seeking meaning in their patterns.
52. He stood ponderingly at the edge of the cliff, contemplating the jump.
53. The priest sat ponderingly in the silent chapel.
54. The athlete sat ponderingly on the bench, pondering what went wrong in the game.
55. He gazed ponderingly out the window, lost in thought.
56. She tapped her fingertips ponderingly against the table as she puzzled over the clue.
57. The teenager sat ponderingly on the swing set, contemplating life's mysteries.
58. He bit his lip ponderingly as he weighed the pros and cons.
59. The tennis player stood ponderingly at the baseline, considering her next move.
60. She gazed ponderingly into the clouds, seeking shapes and images within them.

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