Pouty example sentences

Related (8): sulky, mopey, glum, moody, petulant, sullen, unhappy, discontented.

"Pouty" Example Sentences

1. She looked up at him with a pouty expression on her face.
2. His pouty lips made him look perpetually sulky.
3. The little girl crossed her arms and adopted a pouty stance.
4. She couldn't help but find his pouty lower lip endearing.
5. His pouty demeanor suggested that he was not in the mood for conversation.
6. The model's pouty lips were her signature feature.
7. He knew he was being pouty, but he couldn't help it.
8. Her pouty lips were so full and pink that it was hard to look away.
9. The child's pouty expression tugged at her heartstrings.
10. She tried to hide her pouty disappointment when he cancelled their plans.
11. The actress perfected her pouty expression for the cameras.
12. He found her pouty mouth incredibly sexy.
13. The cat let out a pouty meow when its food bowl was empty.
14. She rolled her eyes at his pouty behavior.
15. Her pouty lips quivered when he said something hurtful.
16. He struggled to suppress his pouty reaction after losing the game.
17. The model's pouty expression perfectly captured the mood of the shoot.
18. Her pouty lower lip trembled as she fought back tears.
19. He laughed at his girlfriend's pouty face when she wanted something.
20. The child's pouty expression quickly turned into a smile when given a treat.
21. Her pouty expression made it obvious that she wasn't impressed with the gift.
22. He realized he was being pouty and decided to snap out of it.
23. The baby's pouty lips made it impossible not to smother him in kisses.
24. She couldn't help but admire the way his pouty lower lip stuck out.
25. His pouty demeanor suggested that something was bothering him.
26. The actress perfected her pouty expression for the romantic scene.
27. He found it hard to resist her pouty bottom lip.
28. The child's pouty expression quickly faded when she saw her favorite toy.
29. Her pouty lips turned into a smile when he showed up with flowers.
30. He tried to hide his pouty disappointment when he didn't get the promotion.

Common Phases

not use the word "pouty" repeatedly.
1. She had a pouty expression on her face;
2. He crossed his arms in a pouty manner;
3. The toddler's lower lip jutted out in a pouty pucker;
4. Her voice took on a pouty tone as she spoke;
5. He let out a pouty sigh of frustration;
6. She gave him a pouty stare, daring him to make a move;
7. His pouty demeanor was a clear indication of his disappointment;
8. She wore a pouty frown all day long;
9. He tried to hide his pouty expression behind a smile;
10. She appeared pouty and sulky, unwilling to engage in conversation.

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