Prearrangement example sentences

Related (10): plan, agreement, arrangement, understanding, scheme, strategy, blueprint, design, draft, outlines



  - noun form of prearrange



prearrange (verb) · prearranges (third person present) · prearranged (past tense) · prearranged (past participle) · prearranging (present participle) · pre-arrange (verb) · pre-arranges (third person present) · pre-arranged (past tense) · pre-arranged (past participle) · pre-arranging (present participle)

  - arrange or agree upon (something) in advance:



"Prearrangement" Example Sentences

1. The secret meeting was a result of prior prearrangement between the conspirators.
2. We had made a prearrangement to have a signal in case we got separated in the crowd.
3. As part of our prearrangement, we had escape routes planned if the plan went wrong.
4. The prearrangement for the drop-off location was behind the old abandoned barn.
5. Their prearrangement for a meticulously designed and precisely timed plan was key to success.
6. Per the prearrangement, the spy smugly awaited his contact at the dead drop location.
7. The prearranged hand signal would let me know that the extraction point had been secured, according to our prearrangement.
8. The airdrop was part of a prearrangement to provide a supply drop for the stranded expedition team.
9. Our prearrangement included having a cover story that we were business associates meeting for a work meeting.
10. The prearranged alibi was quickly falling apart under police interrogation, contrary to our prearrangement.
11. Per our prearrangement, I dialed the designated number for our emergency backup plan.
12. The prearranged signal flare, according to our prearrangement, indicated that his teammate was ready.
13. The prearranged handshake, as part of our prearrangement, allowed them to identify each other in the dense crowd.
14. Per our prearrangement, he arrived at the meeting place early to scout out potential threats.
15. I left the package at the prearranged drop spot according to our prearrangement and quickly walked away.
16. According to our prearrangement plans, I was picked up outside the back exit of the building.
17. His role, per the prearrangement, was to wait at the spot in case things went wrong.
18. The prearranged payment, part of the prearrangement, was left in the hollowed-out tree stump as they had agreed.
19. Per their prearrangement, they left through the escape tunnel as the military raid began.
20. The prearranged knock, part of their prearrangement, allowed them to identify each other while hiding.
21. The prearranged timeline for the attack, part of their prearrangement, was quickly falling apart.
22. Per the prearrangement, she arrived at the checkpoint where her support team was waiting.
23. The team enacted their prearranged fallback plan, part of their prearrangement, when the mission went south.
24. Their prearranged story, a result of their prearrangement, became their new reality after all these years.
25. The prearranged code words, part of the prearrangement, alerted her that danger was imminent.
26. Per our prearrangement, we enacted the prearranged emergency procedures without hesitation.
27. The prearranged distress signal, part of the prearrangement, allowed help to be summoned quickly.
28. The instructions for the prearranged rendezvous point, part of the prearrangement, were very detailed and precise.
29. The prearranged code phrase, part of the prearrangement, was spoken to initiate the next phase of the plan.
30. Per our prearrangement, we kept the story simple to reduce potential mistakes.
31. The prearranged evacuation plans, part of the prearrangement, were put into motion as the danger became more imminent.
32. The prearranged dead drop location, according the prearrangement, changed weekly to avoid detection.
33. The operation, per the prearrangement, followed the prearranged battle plan exactly.
34. The prearranged time and location of the drop, part of the prearrangement, were critical to the success of the operation.
35. The prearranged cover story, contrary to their prearrangement, was lacking crucial details.
36. Per the prearranged instructions, part of the prearrangement, she entered through the rear entrance at exactly 2 AM.
37. Their prearranged safe house, part of their prearrangement, proved invaluable in their time of need.
38. The prearranged signals, as part of the prearrangement, allowed our forces to coordinate perfectly.
39. Every detail of the prearranged ruse, part of the prearrangement, had been planned down to the smallest minutiae.
40. The prearranged cues, part of their prearrangement, were subtle but effective.
41. The prearranged timeline for launching the mission, part of the prearrangement, was beginning to slip.
42. According to the prearranged plan, part of the prearrangement, the package was left in the hidden compartment.
43. The prearranged "go" phrase, part of the prearrangement, told them it was time to act.
44. The prearranged location for the drop-off, part of the prearrangement, was changed at the last minute.
45. The prearranged signal, per their prearrangement, alerted them that the targets were approaching.
46. Per their prearrangement, the team split up after the robbery.
47. The prearranged passphrase, part of their prearrangement,allowed them to infiltrate the enemy stronghold.
48. The prearranged course of action, part of the prearrangement, was put into motion as soon as the first shot was fired.
49. The prearranged passwords and countersigns, part of the prearrangement, prevented imposters from gaining entry.
50. Per their prearrangement, the divers never surfaced at the same time.
51. The prearranged getaway vehicles, as part of their prearrangement, were hidden nearby in case of emergency.
52. Their prearranged communication protocol, part of their prearrangement, minimized potential errors.
53. According to the prearranged timetable, part of the prearrangement, the package would arrive at dawn.
54. They stuck to their prearranged plan, part of their prearrangement, even as it began to unravel around them.
55. The prearranged exchange of signals, part of the prearrangement, confirmed they were ready to proceed.
56. The prearranged cues, per the prearrangement, played out exactly as planned.
57. The prearranged burst transmission, a result of the prearrangement, notified command that the mission was compromised.
58. Despite being detained, the spies stuck to their prearranged cover story, part of their prearrangement.
59. The team followed the prearranged contingency plan, part of the prearrangement, to the letter.
60. Everything went according to their prearranged schedule, part of their prearrangement.

Common Phases

Under the prearrangement, ...
According to the prearrangement, ...
As part of the prearrangement, ...
Per the prearrangement, ...
The prearrangement called for ...
Their prearrangement dictated that ...
The prearrangement stipulated ...
The prearrangement required that ...
The prearrangement specified ...
Contrary to the prearrangement, ...
Against the terms of the prearrangement, ...
In violation of the prearrangement,...
Despite the prearrangement, ...
Not in keeping with the prearrangement,...

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