Precisianist example sentences

Related (9): scrupulist, nitpicker, casuist, stickler, pedant, formalist, purist, literalist, traditionalist

"Precisianist" Example Sentences

1. The new employee was a precisianist, always paying attention to the smallest details.
2. The precisianist approach to grammar is often seen as pedantic.
3. He was a precisianist when it came to his work, always double-checking everything.
4. The precisianist analysis of the data led to some surprising insights.
5. The precisianist historian insisted on examining every available source before drawing conclusions.
6. Some people found her precisianist tendencies irritating, but others appreciated her attention to detail.
7. The precisianist critique of the novel focused on its use of language and structure.
8. The precisianist artist spent hours perfecting every brush stroke.
9. The precisianist chef refused to compromise on quality, no matter how busy the restaurant got.
10. Her precisianist approach to gardening resulted in a beautiful and perfectly manicured yard.
11. The precisianist engineer designed a system that was both efficient and reliable.
12. The precisianist architect paid close attention to every element of the building, from the placement of windows to the choice of doorknobs.
13. The precisianist musician could identify even the slightest imperfection in a performance.
14. His precisianist approach to time management helped him stay organized and on top of things.
15. The precisianist mathematician was always looking for ways to refine his methods.
16. The precisianist editor caught several errors that had slipped past others.
17. The precisianist accountant insisted on double-checking all the numbers, no matter how small.
18. The precisianist teacher was beloved by her students for her patience and attention to detail.
19. The precisianist translator was able to capture the nuance of the original text in her work.
20. The precisianist lawyer argued her case with precision and care.
21. The precisianist scientist spent years conducting experiments to arrive at her conclusions.
22. The precisianist philosopher analyzed every argument with equal care and detail.
23. The precisianist journalist took her role as a purveyor of truth very seriously.
24. The precisianist actor worked tirelessly to perfect his craft.
25. The precisianist fashion designer was known for her impeccable attention to detail.
26. The precisianist poet chose her words with great care and precision.
27. The precisianist physician left no stone unturned in her diagnosis and treatment of patients.
28. The precisianist environmentalist worked to protect even the smallest and most vulnerable ecosystems.
29. The precisianist theologian studied scripture with great rigor and depth.
30. The precisianist linguist was able to decipher even the most obscure languages.

Common Phases

1. The new professor was a precisianist; she insisted on every detail being correct.
2. The writer was a precisianist; he spent hours ensuring that each sentence was perfectly crafted.
3. The scientist was a precisianist; she would not accept any results that were not precisely measured.
4. The chef was a precisianist; he would only use the exact measurements in his recipes.
5. The artist was a precisianist; he would spend months perfecting each brush stroke in his paintings.
6. The musician was a precisianist; she practiced for hours each day to ensure flawless performances.
7. The editor was a precisianist; he would not let even a single typo pass through.
8. The engineer was a precisianist; he would not tolerate any flaws in his designs.
9. The mathematician was a precisianist; she would not settle for approximate answers.
10. The accountant was a precisianist; he ensured that every single penny was accounted for.

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