Predetermination example sentences

Related (11): predestination, fate, destiny, predetermined, predestined, preordained, providence, kismet, serendipity, chance, luck.

"Predetermination" Example Sentences

1. The idea that our lives are subject to predetermination often comes up in philosophical debates.
2. Frank believed that everything was predetermined, so he felt there was no point in trying to change his circumstances.
3. The concept of predetermination is closely linked to the idea of fate and destiny.
4. For many people, the idea of predetermination goes against the notion of free will and personal autonomy.
5. The pastor's sermon focused on the power of God's predetermination and how this gave him comfort and peace.
6. The theory of predetermination is often used to explain why bad things happen to good people, or why some people seem to be born into privilege while others struggle to get ahead.
7. Critics of the doctrine of predetermination argue that it undermines the importance of personal choice and responsibility.
8. Michael was convinced that his life had been predetermined long before he was born, and he found this belief to be a source of comfort and reassurance.
9. The idea of predetermination can be traced back to ancient religions and myths.
10. In some cultures, belief in predetermination plays a central role in shaping daily life and moral values.
11. The concept of predetermination raises interesting questions about the nature of time and causality.
12. Some scholars argue that the idea of predetermination is compatible with certain forms of determinism, while others believe that it is fundamentally at odds with any notion of free will.
13. The notion of predetermination has been a topic of debate among theologians, philosophers, and scientists for centuries.
14. The idea of predetermination can be seen as a form of divine or cosmic justice, since it implies that good and evil deeds will be rewarded or punished accordingly.
15. Some people find the idea of predetermination to be limiting or depressing, while others find it empowering or inspiring.
16. The debate over predetermination has been ongoing since the earliest days of human civilization, and it shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
17. Many religious believers see the doctrine of predetermination as a way of reconciling the existence of evil and suffering with the idea of a loving and just God.
18. If you believe in predetermination, you may feel that your life is unfolding according to a predetermined plan, and that your choices and actions are merely part of a larger cosmic script.
19. Critics of the doctrine of predetermination argue that it is incompatible with the concept of moral responsibility, since it implies that humans are ultimately not responsible for their own actions.
20. The notion of predetermination can be found in literature, mythology, and religious texts from around the world.
21. The idea of predetermination can be difficult to reconcile with scientific theories of causality and probability.
22. Some people see predetermination as a way to cope with the uncertainty and unpredictability of life, while others view it as a way of avoiding responsibility for their own decisions.
23. The doctrine of predetermination is a central feature of some forms of Christianity, especially Calvinism and other types of Reformed theology.
24. The idea of predetermination has been explored in many works of fiction, from classic literature to contemporary science fiction.
25. Whether you believe in predetermination or not, it is clear that our lives are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including genetics, environment, culture, and personal choice.
26. The notion of predetermination raises important questions about the meaning and purpose of human existence, as well as the role of individuals in shaping their own lives and destinies.
27. Some philosophers argue that the idea of predetermination is incompatible with the concept of moral responsibility, since it implies that everything we do is already predetermined and beyond our control.
28. From a theological perspective, the doctrine of predetermination can be seen as a way of affirming God's sovereignty and omniscience, since it implies that God knows everything that will happen before it actually occurs.
29. The idea of predetermination is often used to explain the course of historical events, such as wars, revolutions, and social movements, as well as the rise and fall of empires and civilizations.
30. Whether you believe in predetermination or not, it is clear that this concept has played a significant role in shaping human culture, religion, and philosophy throughout history.

Common Phases

1. My predetermination is to finish this project before the deadline;
2. John's predetermination to lose weight has led him to follow a strict diet and exercise plan;
3. Despite the obstacles in her way, Mary's predetermination to become a doctor has never wavered;
4. He had a strong predetermination to succeed in his career, which led him to work long hours and take risks;
5. Our team's predetermination to win the game allowed us to push through even when we were behind.

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