Predilectionn example sentences

Related (10): preference, inclination, leaning, penchant, bias, fondness, taste, liking, affinity, partiality

"Predilectionn" Example Sentences

1. Her predilection for spicy food was evident as she added hot sauce to almost everything.
2. John had a predilection for horror movies and was often seen watching them alone at home.
3. She had a predilection for the color pink and had painted her room in shades of it.
4. Mark's predilection for adventure led him to take up scuba diving and rock climbing.
5. Her predilection for history led her to pursue a degree in archaeology.
6. The chef's predilection for exotic flavors made his dishes stand out from the rest.
7. Martha had a predilection for abstract art and would often spend hours admiring it.
8. His predilection for fast cars had led him to collect vintage sports cars from all over the world.
9. The detective's predilection for solving cold cases made him a sought-after investigator.
10. She had a predilection for classical music and would often attend concerts and operas.
11. His predilection for adventure sports led him to take up bungee jumping and skydiving.
12. The politician's predilection for compromise made him highly respected by both sides of the aisle.
13. Her predilection for writing poetry was evident in the dozens of journals she had filled over the years.
14. His predilection for nature led him to become a conservationist and wildlife photographer.
15. The professor's predilection for research made him a renowned expert in his field.
16. Her predilection for gardening was evident in the colorful blooms that adorned her yard.
17. His predilection for science fiction led him to write several acclaimed novels in the genre.
18. The artist's predilection for Impressionism was evident in the light and color of his paintings.
19. Her predilection for organization and order made her an excellent event planner.
20. His predilection for fine cuisine led him to become a master chef with multiple Michelin stars.
21. The photographer's predilection for black and white images gave his work a timeless quality.
22. Her predilection for fashion was evident in her impeccably dressed appearance.
23. His predilection for Eastern philosophy led him to explore meditation and mindfulness.
24. The athlete's predilection for competition made her a fierce competitor in any sport she played.
25. Her predilection for animals led her to volunteer at the local animal shelter.
26. His predilection for puzzles and riddles made him a master of mental challenges.
27. The architect's predilection for modernism was evident in the sleek lines and minimalist design of his buildings.
28. Her predilection for reading led her to become a librarian and share her love of books with others.
29. His predilection for helping others led him to become a volunteer firefighter.
30. The musician's predilection for jazz was evident in the improvisation and syncopation of his music.

Common Phases

1. I have a predilection for spicy food; the hotter, the better.
2. David's predilection for reading led him to become a successful writer.
3. Despite my predilection for dogs, I couldn't resist adopting a stray cat.
4. The fashion designer's predilection for bold colors and patterns was evident in every collection.
5. John's predilection for adventure made him seek new experiences wherever he traveled.
6. The chef's predilection for fine ingredients and intricate techniques elevated his cuisine to an art form.
7. Jane's predilection for classical music was apparent in every note she played on the piano.
8. The athlete's predilection for hard work and determination propelled him to win several medals.
9. Despite his predilection for solitude, Tom enjoyed spending time with his closest friends.
10. James' predilection for history made him an expert on ancient civilizations.

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