Prelatic example sentences
Related (4): bishopric, episcopal, archbishopric, prelatical
"Prelatic" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The prelatic governor donned his robes for the ceremony.
2. The prelate sat on his ornate throne during the procession.
3. The prelatic system of the medieval church led to much corruption.
4. The prelatic hierarchy of the Catholic Church is strict and rigid.
5. The common folk resented the prelatic arrogance of the bishops.
6. The prelatic authority of the church was used to control the masses.
7. They criticized the prelatic pomp and earthly wealth of the clergy.
8. The reformer condemned the prelatic excess of the church leaders.
9. His prelatic mannerisms and condescending tone disgusted the parishioners.
10. The revolt against prelatic authority sparked the Reformation.
11. The reformers sought to root out the prelatic corruption within the church.
12. His prelatic speech was filled with pontifical flourishes and turns of phrase.
13. The prelatic dress code enforced by the bishops was overly strict.
14. The sermon criticized the prelatic demands for obedience from the laity.
15. The pamphlet satirized the prelatic system by exaggerating its flaws.
16. The prelatic ceremonies of the church were viewed as ostentatious displays.
17. The secular ruler mocked the prelate's prelatic claims of divine authority.
18. The prelatic prohibition against marriage among the clergy was condemned.
19. They resented the prelatic immunities and tax exemptions granted to clergy.
20. The crude caricature lampooned the prelate's prelatic obsession with status.
21. The bishop's prelatic bearing projected an air of superiority and entitlement.
22. The bishop scolded the priest for failing to comply with prelatic rules.
23. The prelate preached against the laity reading the bible outside of prelatic oversight.
24. The cardinal received preferential treatment due to his prelatic status.
25. The criticism of the clergy focused on the greed, extravagance and prelatic pretensions.
26. The prelatic grandeur of the church building drew much criticism.
27. The prelate walked with prelatic gait and wore the prelatic raiment of his station.
28. The episcopal character of the leadership fostered a prelatic culture within the church.
29. The reforms sought to strip away prelatic rank in favor of a more egalitarian structure.
30. He bemoaned the restrictions and constraints imposed on him by prelatic conventions.
31. She attacked the church for its imperial prelatic hierarchy and politics.
32. The privileges and prerogatives of prelatic status were summarized in the code of canon law.
33. The prelatic titles and honorifics smacked of pomposity and earthly pride.
34. The cleric's prelatic gestures and mannerisms seemed designed to impress the laity.
35. The reformers objected to the prelatic claims of spiritual authority over the laity.
36. The rigid prelatic structure of the church impeded spiritual growth.
37. The painting depicted a prelate in the full dress of prelatic office.
38. The rioters attacked the prelatic symbols of papal authority.
39. His elevation to the prelatic office went to his head.
40. The satire criticized the overt prelatic pretensions of the church.
41. The deacon chafed under the prelatic class system within the clergy.
42. The prelate promulgated a decree enforcing prelatic discipline within the clergy.
43. The peasants were oppressed by the prelatic power of the clergy.
44. The scholarly monk rejected the prelatic trappings of high office.
45. The pious decision to live as an ascetic was viewed by the prelate as heretical defiance.
46. The poem depicted the prelate as a figure of scorn in his prelatic robes.
47. The arcane prelatic laws seemed designed to confound the laity.
48. The rebellion against prelatic authority quickly turned violent.
49. The prelatic ring symbolized his spiritual authority.
50. The reformers aimed to level the prelatic hierarchies within the church.
51. His prelatic style of living was paid for by taxing the poor.
52. She condemned the prelatic doctrines that justified oppression of common folk.
53. The peasant resisted the prelate's prelatic demands.
54. The prelate put on airs to impress his prelatic peers.
55. The prelatic scandal rocked the diocese.
56. The severity of the punishment seemed designed to intimidate others from defying prelatic authority.
57. The rioters attacked the episcopal residence as a symbol of prelatic wealth and privilege.
58. His promotion up the prelatic ranks instilled within him a sense of entitlement.
59. The prelatic thumbscrews used to ensure obedience were loosed.
60. The reforms aimed to replace the prelatic hierarchy with a more democratic structure.