Proprietor example sentences

Related (4): owner, possessor, manager, proprietorship

"Proprietor" Example Sentences

1. The proprietor greeted us warmly as we entered the shop.
2. The kind proprietor offered us free samples of his products.
3. We asked the proprietor for recommendations on local attractions.
4. The old proprietor had been running the store for over 40 years.
5. The new proprietor introduced several changes to improve business.
6. The proprietor proudly showed off his vast collection of antiques.
7. The long-time proprietor was well known in the community.
8. The cheerful proprietor made us feel welcome in her restaurant.
9. The proprietor was eager to give us a tour of her historic inn.
10. The friendly proprietor shared stories of the business's history.
11. The elderly proprietor still worked every day in his hardware store.
12. The haggard proprietor seemed uninterested in running the small shop.
13. The local proprietor sponsored many community events and fundraisers.
14. We thankthed the kind proprietor for hos generosity and hospitality.
15. The genial proprietor was happy to give recommendations for sightseeing.
16. The gruff proprietor barely greeted us as we entered the store.
17. The helpful proprietor provided us with plenty of useful information.
18. The brisk proprietor offered us a quick tour before the shop opened.
19. The proprietor stood behind the counter tallying the day's profits.
20. The businesslike proprietor went straight to discussing price and policy.
21. The harried proprietor bustled around the store helping customers.
22. The proprietor eagerly showed off his extensive inventory.
23. The gracious proprietor treated us to a complimentary pastry.
24. The jovial proprietor joked with his regular customers.
25. The sour-faced proprietor seemed annoyed by our presence.
26. The proud proprietor of the successful store greeted local patrons warmly.
27. The surly proprietor grudgingly accepted our payment.
28. The proprietor gave us an interesting history of the property.
29. The brusque proprietor barely made eye contact as he spoke curtly.
30. The worn proprietor greeted us with a weary smile.
31. We thanked the warm proprietor for his hospitality and recommendations.
32. The garrulous proprietor loved to tell tales of the olden days.
33. The proprietor excitedly showed off his newly expanded inventory.
34. The amused proprietor watched his pet mascot entertain the children.
35. The retired proprietor still came by the store every day.
36. The animated proprietor energetically showed us his unique products.
37. The genial proprietor made us feel at home in his establishment.
38. The proprietor stood guard behind the counter watching every customer.
39. The aged proprietor had trouble remembering the store's history.
40. The unsmiling proprietor curtly showed us what we needed and nothing more.
41. The absent-minded proprietor often got customers' orders mixed up.
42. The self-important proprietor lectured us on his establishment's superiority.
43. The proprietor greeted us warmly and invited us to look around.
44. The proprietor eagerly offered us an extended discount.
45. We thanked the friendly proprietor for an enjoyable visit.
46. The cantankerous proprietor complained constantly about his customers.
47. The stout proprietor strode between aisles helping shoppers.
48. The long-suffering proprietor dealt patiently with difficult customers.
49. The aloof proprietor barely acknowledged our presence in the store.
50. The fastidious proprietor kept everything spic and span.
51. The cynical proprietor suspected we were only browsing, not intending to buy.
52. The weary proprietor greeted us with a forced smile.
53. The welcoming proprietor showed us some of his best merchandise.
54. The strict proprietor kept tight control over every aspect of his store.
55. The animated proprietor enthusiastically showed off his latest acquisitions.
56. The chatty proprietor loved telling stories about his business.
57. The stern proprietor supervised his staff closely.
58. The voluble proprietor pontificated on the history of his product line.
59. The dour proprietor gave us a curt nod before returning to his newspaper.
60. The attentive proprietor made sure all our questions were answered thoroughly.

Common Phases

1. proprietor of (someone is the owner of a business)
The proprietor of the grocery store greeted us warmly.
2. proprietorship (when someone owns their own business)
The cafe was a small proprietorship, owned and operated by one family.
3. longtime proprietor (someone who has owned a business for a long time)
The longtime proprietor remembered when the town was much smaller.
4. new proprietor (someone who has recently become the owner of a business)
The new proprietor planned to make many changes to the restaurant's menu.
5. independent proprietor (someone who owns their own business with no other owners)
Many small retailers and restaurants are run by independent proprietors.
6. sole proprietor (an owner who is the only owner of a business)
As a sole proprietor, she was responsible for all aspects of running the store.
7. absent proprietor (an owner who is not often present at their business)
The proprietor was often absent, leaving the managers to run things day to day.
8. generous proprietor (an owner who is willing to give discounts and gifts to customers)
The generous proprietor often gave customers small gifts with their purchases.
9. welcoming proprietor (an owner who makes customers feel at home in their establishment)
The welcoming proprietor made sure all new customers received a personal greeting.
10. attentive proprietor (an owner who personally sees to customers' needs)
The attentive proprietor waited on customers himself to ensure their satisfaction.
11. relieve the proprietor (to temporarily take over ownership duties from the owner)
The manager often had to relieve the proprietor in running the day-to-day activities.
12. succeed the proprietor (to officially become the new owner after the previous one)
The longtime employee succeeded the proprietor upon his retirement.
13. transfer proprietorship (to officially change ownership of a business to a new proprietor)
The bank financed the transaction to transfer proprietorship of the restaurant to the buyers.
14. proprietor's prerogative (the rights and privileges of being a business's owner)
Raising prices was part of the proprietor's prerogative, for better or worse.
15. investment of the proprietor ( money an owner has put into their own business)
Much of the proprietor's investment had gone into updating the equipment.
16. effort of the proprietor ( hard work and labor an owner contributes to their business)
The proprietor's effort and long hours were paying off in increased profits.
17. experience of the proprietor ( the knowledge and skills an owner brings to running a business)
The proprietor's experience in the industry ensured the success of the new venture.
18. vision of the proprietor (the plans and goals an owner has for their business's future)
The vision of the proprietor was to grow the small store into a major chain.
19. interest of the proprietor ( what would benefit and be best for the owner of a business)
All decisions had to be made with the interest of the proprietor in mind.
20. livelihood of the proprietor (how an owner makes a living through their business)
The proprietor's entire livelihood depended on the success of the small shop.

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