Prepossessions example sentences

Related (6): bias, prejudices, predispositions, preconceptions, prejudgments, preconclusions.

"Prepossessions" Example Sentences

1. She had prepossessions about the new job, based on what she had heard from others.
2. His prepossessions about the restaurant were proven wrong after he tried their food.
3. The teacher tried to overcome her prepossessions about the student and treat everyone equally.
4. His prepossessions about the city were shattered after experiencing its vibrant culture.
5. The investor had prepossessions about the startup's viability, but was ultimately proven wrong.
6. Her prepossessions about the film were challenged after viewing it with a more open mind.
7. The politician's prepossessions about the opposing party hindered any chance of collaboration.
8. Their prepossessions about the new employee were disproven after seeing their impressive work ethic.
9. The reviewer's prepossessions about the author's previous works influenced their critique of the latest novel.
10. The athlete's prepossessions about their opponent's skill level caused them to underestimate their abilities.
11. The manager's prepossessions about the team's capabilities limited their potential for success.
12. His prepossessions about the genre of music were challenged after discovering new artists.
13. The patient's prepossessions about the doctor's diagnosis were addressed and clarified.
14. The judge had to set aside any personal prepossessions and make an unbiased decision.
15. Her prepossessions about the subject matter hindered her ability to learn it effectively.
16. The artist's prepossessions about their style of painting limited their creative abilities.
17. His prepossessions about the neighborhood were challenged after experiencing the strong sense of community there.
18. The company's prepossessions about their customers' needs led to a product that didn't sell well.
19. Her prepossessions about the fashion industry were proven wrong after working in it for a year.
20. The journalist had to put aside their prepossessions and report the unbiased facts.
21. His prepossessions about the team's chances of winning the championship were proven incorrect.
22. The child's prepossessions about their new teacher were quickly replaced with admiration.
23. The investor's prepossessions about the stock market influenced their investment strategy.
24. The designer's prepossessions about certain fabrics limited their choices for the clothing collection.
25. His prepossessions about the city's safety were addressed and eased after learning about its low crime rate.
26. The writer's prepossessions about a certain character hindered their ability to develop them fully.
27. Her prepossessions about the restaurant's menu were disproven after trying their delicious dishes.
28. The athlete had to overcome their prepossessions about their own abilities and push themselves harder.
29. Their prepossessions about the candidate were challenged after hearing their well-crafted speeches.
30. The traveler had to let go of their prepossessions about foreign cultures and immerse themselves in new experiences.

Common Phases

1. His prepossessions about the company were clearly biased; he had worked there for over 30 years.
2. It was difficult for me to overcome my own prepossessions; I had been taught to believe one thing my entire life.
3. Her prepossessions about the new restaurant were quickly dispelled; the food was surprisingly delicious.
4. He struggled to keep an open mind without letting his prepossessions take over; it was a delicate balance.
5. Despite their prepossessions about the country, they decided to take a chance and travel there anyway.

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