Probers example sentences

Related (8): investigators, detectives, examiners, inquisitors, researchers, analysts, inspectors, auditors

"Probers" Example Sentences

1. The probers couldn't find any evidence of foul play in the suspect's apartment.
2. The science fiction novel featured high-tech probers that explored new worlds.
3. The forensic probers discovered DNA evidence that linked the suspect to the crime scene.
4. The medical probers examined the patient's symptoms to diagnose their illness.
5. The archaeology probers carefully unearthed ancient artifacts from the dig site.
6. The space probers sent back images of distant planets and galaxies.
7. The engineering probers tested the durability of the new bridge under extreme weather conditions.
8. The diving probers searched the ocean floor for rare marine life species.
9. The chemistry probers conducted experiments to test the effects of different chemicals on plant growth.
10. The paranormal probers investigated a supposedly haunted house to determine if it was truly haunted.
11. The electronic probers tested different software programs for bugs and glitches.
12. The environmental probers monitored the quality of air and water in the local community.
13. The geology probers studied the formation of rocks and minerals in the earth's crust.
14. The cybersecurity probers tracked down hackers who had breached the company's network.
15. The psychology probers conducted research to understand human behavior and cognition.
16. The weather probers predicted the severity of an upcoming storm based on atmospheric conditions.
17. The space probers discovered a new planet that could potentially support life.
18. The biological probers examined cells under a microscope to determine their function.
19. The law enforcement probers used forensic evidence to solve a cold case from decades ago.
20. The communication probers studied the effects of social media on interpersonal relationships.
21. The physics probers conducted experiments to test the laws of motion and gravity.
22. The food probers tested different recipes to find the perfect combination of flavors.
23. The political probers analyzed polling data to predict election outcomes.
24. The education probers researched the effectiveness of different teaching methods.
25. The medical probers used a biopsy to determine if a tumor was malignant or benign.
26. The wildlife probers conducted a census of the local animal population.
27. The history probers examined primary sources to uncover new insights into past events.
28. The art probers studied the techniques and styles of famous painters and sculptors.
29. The transport probers developed new technologies to make cars and airplanes more fuel-efficient.
30. The natural disaster probers studied the causes and effects of extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes.

Common Phases

you know how to use probers; let me show you how it works; testing with probers is easy; probers detect electrical signals; can you identify where the prober should be placed; probers help troubleshoot electrical systems; calibration of probers is important; try using a different prober tip; probers help diagnose circuit problems; probers are essential tools in electronics.

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