Procrastination example sentences

Related (16): delay, hesitation, dilly-dallying, postponement, indecisiveness, stalling, inaction, slackness, slothfulness, idleness, laziness, lethargy, inertia, neglect, apathy, indifference



procrastinate (verb) · procrastinates (third person present) · procrastinated (past tense) · procrastinated (past participle) · procrastinating (present participle)

  - delay or postpone action; put off doing something:


delay, stall, temporize, dally, hesitate, vacillate, dither, waver, haver, Procrastinate, Legal

"Procrastination" Example Sentences

1. The student's procrastination meant he had to rush through the assignment.
2. She struggles with procrastination and often leaves things to the last minute.
3. I told him not to give in to procrastination and start the project now.
4. The author recommends setting deadlines to combat procrastination.
5. Procrastination can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for students.
6. One of the downsides of working from home is increased temptation to procrastinate.
7. She has difficulty overcoming her procrastination even when she knows it's hurting her grades.
8. Experts say procrastination is often due to fear of failure or perfectionism.
9. The main method to beat procrastination is simply to get started on the task right away.
10. His procrastination led to a series of missed deadlines and unfinished work.
11. People procrastinate for various reasons including anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and self-doubt.
12. The writer battles constant procrastination and struggles with self-discipline.
13. Procrastination can spiral into depression and lower productivity and self-esteem.
14. The author argues that procrastination is a habit that needs to be broken through discipline and focus.
15. Making lists and breaking tasks into smaller chunks helps combat procrastination in many people.
16. Her procrastination meant she failed to file her taxes on time and incurred penalties.
17. Experts believe procrastination stems from impulsiveness, difficulty with delayed gratification and self-control.
18. Setting realistic goals and deadlines is key to overcoming procrastination.
19. The counselor advised him to be conscious of thoughts that lead to procrastination and replace them with more productive ones.
20. Many recommend meditation or mindfulness practices to combat the mental habits that cause procrastination.
21. The writer gives practical tips to overcome procrastination including eliminating distractions and using a timer.
22. His lifelong struggle with procrastination has caused him to miss opportunities and accomplish less in life.
23. The coach emphasizes that the first step to beating procrastination is often the hardest - simply starting the task.
24. Not having enough time or the right tools are rarely the true causes of procrastination.
25. Procrastination causes people to put off tasks that need to be done until it is often too late to do them properly.
26. Breaking large goals and projects into smaller tasks can help minimize the feelings of overwhelm that cause procrastination.
27. Finding an accountability partner can sometimes help those struggling with procrastination stay on track.
28. His constant procrastination caused him to fail several classes during his first year in college.
29. The therapist helped him understand that procrastination was often a result of avoidance or escapism.
30. Breaking the cycle of procrastination often requires changing underlying habits, thoughts and beliefs.
31. The review argues that excessive internet and social media use often fuels procrastination in students.
32. They recommend focusing on taking action immediately rather than thinking about procrastination as something to eliminate.
33. One of the problems with procrastination is that it often breeds more procrastination and avoidance.
34. Some experts believe that mild levels of procrastination can actually boost creativity and productivity in small doses.
35. The teacher warned students that chronic procrastination would lead to poor grades and regret.
36. Scheduling specific times to work helps many people combat feelings of inertia that cause procrastination.
37. Procrastination often stems from the habit of seeking immediate gratification and avoiding discomfort.
38. His lifelong procrastination issues meant he never achieved his full potential in school or career.
39. Many who struggle with procrastination find that exercise helps eliminate distracting thoughts and boost motivation.
40. Experts emphasize that self-compassion is often more effective than self-criticism in overcoming procrastination.
41. The column provides practical advice for overcoming procrastination including creating routines and avoiding all-or-nothing thinking.
42. Avoiding distractions caused by technology, TV and social media is key to reducing procrastination for many people.
43. The author analyzes procrastination as a habit that can be broken through willpower, planning and discipline.
44. Her lifelong procrastination finally caught up with her when she lost a bid due to a late application.
45. Experts argue that an overly perfectionist mindset is one of the main causes of chronic procrastination.
46. Procrastination cost him the job offer due to his inability to complete a required task on time.
47. The speaker urges listeners to overcome procrastination through small simple actions that build momentum and discipline.
48. The article argues that procrastination is often the result of poor time management and lack of priorities.
49. Constantly giving in to procrastination can damage self-confidence and interfere with work and relationships.
50. Many students struggle to overcome procrastination even with supports and tools in place at school.
51. People often procrastinate due to a lack of interest, inability to make decisions or fear of failure.
52. Breaking down large tasks into discrete steps is often key for overcoming feelings of overwhelm that cause procrastination.
53. Her lifelong procrastination meant she often missed out on opportunities and had regrets about things left undone.
54. Identifying triggers for procrastination and avoiding circumstances that encourage it is key for some people.
55. Learning how to deal with difficult emotions head on can reduce the urge to escape through procrastination for some.
56. Experts warn that procrastination can have long-term impacts on mental health, wellbeing and personal relationships.
57. Scheduling time for both work and procrastination can help reduce anxiety and guilt for some people struggling with avoidance.
58. Procrastination is often fueled by the instant gratification of digital distractions and constant notifications.
59. The tendency towards procrastination often gets worse with age if not addressed through discipline and self-management.
60. Overcoming procrastination often requires developing better routines, prioritization skills and strategies for dealing with stress.

Common Phases

1. Stop procrastinating and get to work!
2. Her procrastination caused her to miss the deadline.
3. Constant procrastination will only lead to stress and poor performance.
4. The longer I procrastinate, the more anxious I become about the looming deadline.
5. He suffers from chronic procrastination that affects all areas of his life.
6. Procrastination is the thief of time.
7. Her procrastination skills are unmatched.
8. People often procrastinate due to fear of failure or success.
9. I try to fight my tendency towards procrastination.
10. His lifelong struggle with procrastination finally pushed his wife to leave him.
11. The detrimental effects of procrastination cannot be overstated.
12. Procrastination is my worst habit.
13. The best cure for procrastination is getting started.
14. I just need to stop making excuses and overcome my procrastination.
15. Quit procrastinating and tackle that long overdue report right away.
16. Procrastination breeds anxiety and stress.
17. Chronic procrastination is a symptom of depression in some people.
18. His procrastination ruined all chances of getting a promotion.
19. Breaking large tasks into smaller achievable chunks can help overcome procrastination.
20. Procrastination makes even simple tasks seem daunting.
21. Her excessive procrastination was starting to affect her grades.
22. I realize procrastination is costing me valuable time and opportunities.
23. My chronic procrastination has damaged relationships and held me back professionally.
24. The hardest part of overcoming procrastination is simply getting started.
25. Just do it! Don't let procrastination get in your way.
26. Setting deadlines and alarms helps fight procrastination.
27. Procrastination comes at a high cost for students.
28. I struggle with incessant procrastination on even the most trivial of tasks.
29. Overcoming procrastination requires discipline and willpower.
30. Her procrastination has resulted in poor work performance and lower pay.
31. Procrastination is counterproductive and wasteful.
32. My procrastination skills are unmatched—I can put things off like nobody's business!
33. Quit making excuses and overcome your procrastination once and for all.
34. Changing your environment can help overcome procrastination.
35. Procrastination solves nothing and only creates more problems.
36. His chronic procrastination irritates everyone around him.
37. I often forget what I need to do due to my excessive procrastination.
38. We'll never make the deadline at this rate of procrastination.
39. Procrastination followed by panic is no way to live.
40. Curb your procrastination and get that report submitted today.
41. Chronic procrastination is a difficult habit to break.
42. Stop daydreaming and deal with your procrastination problem head on.
43. I recognize that my procrastination is self-destructive.
44. Procrastination keeps people from achieving their goals.
45. Excessive procrastination has caused me to lose out on numerous opportunities.
46. Quit pushing things aside and tackle your procrastination now.
47. Procrastination is the biggest hurdle to my success.
48. Her procrastination habit cost her the promotion she wanted.
49. Rewards help motivate people to overcome procrastination.
50. I realize my procrastination is self-sabotaging.
51. She turned in her project late due to excessive procrastination.
52. I must overcome my chronic procrastination in order to achieve my goals.
53. Avoiding procrastination requires discipline and perseverance.
54. My procrastination is out of control and I need to change.
55. Quit making excuses and deal with your unhealthy procrastination now.
56. Procrastination is a bad habit, not a character flaw.
57. Excessive procrastination will only lead to disappointment and regret.
58. Her procrastination caused her so much needless stress and anxiety.
59. Just do something - anything - to break the cycle of procrastination.
60. Procrastination is an addiction that must be overcome through willpower and perseverance.

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