Properness example sentences

Related (5): decorum, correctness, appropriateness, decorousness, suitability

"Properness" Example Sentences

1. The party was quite enjoyable, but there was an air of properness among the guests.
2. The teacher emphasized the importance of properness in academic writing.
3. His impeccable manners displayed a great sense of properness.
4. The dress code at the restaurant required a certain level of properness.
5. The elderly woman was known for her strict adherence to properness in all aspects of her life.
6. The business meeting had a lot of formality and properness.
7. The ballet performance exuded elegance and properness.
8. The royal family is expected to maintain a certain level of properness at all times.
9. The etiquette coach taught her students the rules of properness and decorum.
10. The wedding ceremony was a display of grandeur and properness.
11. The young debutante was trained in the art of properness from a young age.
12. The symphony orchestra's performance was a testament to their musical properness.
13. The judge's demeanor reflected her sense of properness in the courtroom.
14. The restaurant's staff were always dressed with properness and attention to detail.
15. The political candidate's speech had a sense of properness and professionalism.
16. The etiquette book emphasized the value of properness in social situations.
17. The ballet dancer's graceful movements exhibited a great deal of properness and discipline.
18. The company's dress code policy promoted a sense of properness and respect for the workplace.
19. The concert pianist's flawless playing demonstrated her properness and skill.
20. The military ceremony embodied a sense of properness and tradition.
21. The historic building's architecture displayed a certain level of properness and elegance.
22. The etiquette instructor taught her students the nuances of properness in table manners.
23. The formal dinner party required a certain level of properness and etiquette.
24. The team's coach emphasized the importance of properness and sportsmanship.
25. The academic conference had a certain level of formality and properness.
26. The elegant ballroom dance displayed a great deal of properness and poise.
27. The English teacher stressed the importance of properness in grammar and punctuation.
28. The courtroom's decorum demanded a high level of properness and respect for the legal system.
29. The society woman's high-society events were known for their sense of properness and sophistication.
30. The bride's white wedding gown symbolized her pureness and properness on her special day.

Common Phases

1. It is important to maintain properness in business dealings; this helps build trust and credibility with clients.
2. Properness in personal hygiene is expected in most cultures; it demonstrates respect for oneself and others.
3. The teacher emphasized the importance of properness in academic writing; this includes citing sources accurately and using appropriate language.
4. Social events often come with a certain level of expected properness; this can include dress codes, polite conversation, and good manners.
5. Properness in sportsmanship is crucial for maintaining fairness and respect; this includes following the rules and showing good sportsmanship towards opponents.
6. Maintaining properness in financial management is critical for avoiding debt and financial instability; this includes budgeting, saving, and investing wisely.
7. Properness in social media use is becoming increasingly important in today’s digital age; this includes avoiding cyberbullying, sharing accurate information, and respecting others’ privacy.

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