Prophet example sentences
Related (10): seer, oracle, visionary, diviner, predictor, foreteller, soothsayer, prognosticator, augur, clairvoyant.
"Prophet" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. Muhammad is considered the last prophet of Islam.
2. Abraham is recognized as a prophet by the three main Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
3. Jesus is viewed as a prophet by Muslims.
4. Moses is seen as a prophet in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
5. According to the Bible, Isaiah was a prophet of ancient Israel.
6. Jeremiah was one of the major prophets in the Hebrew Bible.
7. In Christianity, John the Baptist is viewed as the last Old Testament prophet and the forerunner of Jesus.
8. Nostradamus was known as a famous prophet from the 16th century.
9. Many modern-day spiritual leaders claim to have the gift of prophecy.
10. The old man claims to be a prophet, but few people believe him.
11. The prophet foretold difficult times ahead for the kingdom.
12. The little girl sees herself as a prophet sent to warn people of the coming apocalypse.
13. No one takes the doomsday prophet seriously.
14. Some believed the prophet's warnings of doom while others dismissed them.
15. The prophet's voice rang out through the desert shouting warnings of repentance.
16. The film depicts the life and teachings of an ancient prophet.
17. People flocked to hear the prophet's wisdom and guidance.
18. The prophet spoke of peace, justice and kindness.
19. The modern world rarely heeds the words of prophets.
20. His words were filled with the wisdom of an ancient prophet.
21. Many ancient prophets were persecuted for their message.
22. The prophet predicted the rise of a great leader.
23. According to the prophet, the end of days was near.
24. The prophet called the people to follow a new spiritual path.
25. Some claimed the prophet was mentally ill while others believed he spoke the truth.
26. Her words conveyed the courage and insight of a prophet.
27. The prophet saw visions and received divine revelations.
28. Though he was mocked and ridiculed, the prophet persisted in spreading his teachings.
29. The prophet promised that good would eventually prevail over evil.
30. Many people mistook the prophet for a madman.
31. The false prophet used deceit to gain followers.
32. The prophet's prophecies came true one after the other.
33. The prophet spoke truth to power, calling out the injustice and corruption of the leaders.
34. He saw himself as a modern-day prophet with a message for the world.
35. Few listened to the prophet's warnings about climate change.
36. The prophet's call for social justice continues to resonate today.
37. The boy claimed to be a prophet but his prophecies always failed.
38. Many viewed the dreadlocked wanderer as an eccentric rather than a prophet.
39. When the prophet died, his ideas lived on.
40. The prophet used parables to illustrate spiritual truths.
41. Though beaten and imprisoned, the prophet would not recant his teachings.
42. The prophet urged people to turn away from materialism and consumerism.
43. They mocked and imprisoned the prophet only to realize later he was right all along.
44. The prophet delivered fiery sermons denouncing oppression and greed.
45. The ancient scrolls recorded the prophecies of many long forgotten prophets.
46. Some saw the prophet as mad while others viewed him as enlightened.
47. The prophet spoke a message of love and hope.
48. Few appreciate the prophets in their own time.
49. The prophet's vision helped inspire a social movement.
50. Many have claimed the mantle of prophet throughout history.
51. The prophet spread a message of peace and goodwill toward all beings.
52. The visionary prophet saw dangers others did not.
53. The prophet wandered the streets, preaching to anyone who would listen.
54. The prophet delivered a scathing critique of the corruption he saw around him.
55. The prophet worked tirelessly for the causes of justice, compassion and equality.
56. She spoke with the intensity and commitment of an Old Testament prophet.
57. The prophet's followers believed he had a direct line to the divine.
58. The prophet saw a vision of our troubled planet and wrote poems calling for healing.
59. The prophet urged people to reconnect with nature and the wisdom of the earth.
60. His words still inspire people today though the prophet himself is long forgotten.