Prostrations example sentences

Related (5): bows, supplications, genuflections, kowtows, obeisances

"Prostrations" Example Sentences

1. After completing the prayer, she made three prostrations.
2. The monk performed a series of prostrations in front of the Buddha statue.
3. The yoga teacher instructed the class to begin with five prostrations.
4. The devotees offered several prostrations to their guru.
5. Prostrations are an important part of the daily worship in many religions.
6. The athlete fell to the ground in prostrations after winning the race.
7. The pilgrims performed hundreds of prostrations at the holy site.
8. The spiritual seeker practiced prostrations as a form of self-discipline.
9. The monk bowed deeply in prostration as a sign of respect.
10. The worshipers chanted and performed prostrations in unison.
11. The ritual included a specific number of prostrations to be performed.
12. The holy book recommends prostrations as a way to connect with the divine.
13. The guru taught the new initiates how to perform proper prostrations.
14. The yoga posture called downward dog is similar to a prostration.
15. The disciple performed daily prostrations as part of their spiritual practice.
16. The Buddhist monk performed prostrations as a way of showing gratitude.
17. The devotees offered prostrations to the gods in the temple.
18. The solemn ceremony included a series of prostrations as a way of showing reverence.
19. The student practiced prostrations as part of their daily meditation routine.
20. The ancient practice of prostrations dates back thousands of years.
21. The prostrations helped the worshiper focus their mind and body on the divine.
22. The monk taught the novice how to perform correct prostrations.
23. The prostrations were an important part of the purification ceremony.
24. The pilgrim performed prostrations as a way to atone for their sins.
25. The spiritual teacher recommended prostrations as a way to cultivate humility.
26. The devotee performed prostrations before entering the temple.
27. The prostrations were a way of surrendering the ego and connecting with the divine.
28. The Hindu priest performed prostrations as part of the puja ceremony.
29. The yogi recommended practicing 108 prostrations each day.
30. The prostrations helped the worshipper overcome pride and cultivate a sense of surrender.

Common Phases

1. I begin my daily meditation practice with a series of prostrations; lowering my body to the ground as a symbol of surrender.
2. The monks in the monastery performed multiple prostrations each day as part of their spiritual practice; it was a physical manifestation of their devotion to their faith.
3. During the yoga class, we were instructed to do a few prostrations before starting the sequence; it helped us to focus our minds and connect with our bodies.
4. As a form of repentance, the penitent made a hundred prostrations before the altar; each gesture conveying their remorse for their actions.
5. In some cultures, it is customary to do a prostration as a sign of respect when meeting elders or royalty; it is a humbling gesture that acknowledges their authority.
6. The athlete fell to the ground in prostration after completing the marathon; it was a physical expression of their triumph and gratitude.
7. In Buddhist tradition, prostrations are a way to accumulate merit; with each bow, one gains spiritual purification and blessings.
8. In the mosque, worshippers perform prostrations as part of their daily prayers; it is a way to connect with God and seek His guidance.
9. The yogi demonstrated a series of advanced prostrations that required immense strength and flexibility; it was awe-inspiring to watch.
10. The spiritual leader led his followers in a series of prostrations during the religious ceremony; with each bow, they chanted sacred mantras and invoked divine blessings.

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