Protrusible example sentences

Related (10): extendible, protrudent, projectible, excrescent, salient, jutting, obtrusive, bulging, thrusting, prominent

"Protrusible" Example Sentences

1. A frog's tongue is protrusible to catch insects.
2. With a protrusible beak, certain birds can feed on different types of flowers.
3. The chameleon's tongue is protrusible up to two times their body length.
4. Some fishes have a protrusible mouth to capture prey easier.
5. A squid's arms have protrusible suckers to grip their prey.
6. The anteater's long and protrusible tongue is designed to catch ants.
7. A sea turtle has a protrusible neck to reach food that is far away.
8. Certain snakes have a protrusible fang that injects venom into their prey.
9. Some octopuses have protrusible tentacles that can sense prey from far away.
10. With a protrusible proboscis, certain moths can easily reach nectar and pollen.
11. The hammerhead shark's head is protrusible to enhance their hunting ability.
12. The whip spider has protrusible pedipalps that help them sense their surroundings.
13. The narwhal's tusk is a protrusible tooth that can grow up to 10 feet long.
14. When threatened, a blowfish can inflate its protrusible stomach to look bigger.
15. A platypus has a protrusible bill to help them find food in shallow water.
16. The pink river dolphin has a protrusible neck to help them navigate through shallower waters.
17. Certain types of snails have a protrusible radula to scrape food off of surfaces.
18. An alligator snapping turtle has a protrusible tongue that resembles a worm, luring prey closer to its jaws.
19. The proboscis monkey has a protrusible nose that they use to attract mates.
20. A sea cucumber has a protrusible tube that they use to suck up food particles from the ocean floor.
21. The bird-of-paradise has a protrusible tongue that helps them feed on fruits and insects.
22. Certain types of flatfish have a protrusible eye that can move from one side of their head to the other.
23. A star-nosed mole has a protrusible snout that has 22 tentacles for sensory purposes.
24. The proboscis fly has a protrusible proboscis that they use to feed on flower nectar.
25. A sea star has a protrusible stomach that they can extend outside of their body to digest prey.
26. The mudskipper has a protrusible pelvic fin that they use to climb out of water onto land.
27. The sawfish has a protrusible rostrum or snout that they use to detect prey.
28. The guinea fowl has a protrusible black and white crest that they use to socialize with each other.
29. The African elephant has a protrusible upper lip that can move up and down to grasp food.
30. Certain types of jellyfish have protrusible tentacles that can sting prey.
31. A sea slug has a protrusible rhinophore that they use to smell and locate food.
32. The pangolin has a protrusible tongue that they use to catch insects.
33. Certain types of sea anemones have protrusible tentacles that they use to catch prey.
34. A hagfish has a protrusible jaw that they can use to anchor themselves to dinner.
35. The tonguefish has a protrusible mouth that aids in feeding on small invertebrates.
36. The seahorse has a protrusible snout that they use to suck up tiny crustaceans and plankton.
37. Certain types of nematodes have a protrusible stylet that they use to feed on plant roots.
38. The snipe eel has a protrusible lower jaw that they use to capture prey.
39. A sunfish has a protrusible jaw that helps them feed on jellyfish and other soft-bodied organisms.
40. The long-nosed chimaera has a protrusible upper jaw that they use to catch squid and small fishes.

Common Phases

1) The turtle's head is protrusible;
2) The insect's snout is protrusible;
3) The chameleon's tongue is protrusible;
4) The squid's arms are protrusible.

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