Pseudopodial example sentences

Related (4): amoeboid, ruffles, filopodia, lamellipodia.

"Pseudopodial" Example Sentences

1. The amoeboid cells exhibited remarkable pseudopodial extensions while capturing prey.
2. The neutrophils displayed pseudopodial projections to engulf the invading pathogens.
3. The dynamic pseudopodial movements of the cells were observed under high magnification.
4. The amoebae move by emitting rapidly extending pseudopodial lobes.
5. The dendritic cells developed extensive pseudopodial processes for antigen presentation.
6. The crawling cells extended and retracted pseudopodial fingers to migrate through the tissues.
7. The migratory cells sent out pseudopodial arms to probe the environment for nutrients.
8. The pseudopodial formation of the cells enabled them to move through narrow spaces.
9. The actin cytoskeleton controls the rapid formation and retraction of pseudopodial protrusions in cells.
10. The neutrophil pseudopods reached out to probe for the presence of intruders.
11. The pseudopodial movements of cancer cells contribute to their invasive behavior.
12. The immune cells use pseudopodial protrusions to engulf and digest invading bacteria.
13. The phagocytic cells extend their pseudopods to recognize and scavenge waste products.
14. The pseudopodial projections of the cells enable them to navigate complex environments.
15. The neural crest cells exhibit dynamic pseudopodial movements during embryonic development.
16. The pseudopodial crawling of the cells is crucial for wound healing and tissue regeneration.
17. The amoeba extends its pseudopodium to capture its prey and ingest it.
18. The dendritic cells extend their pseudopodial arms to scan the environment for pathogens.
19. The pseudopodial protrusions of cancer cells enable them to squeeze through tight spaces.
20. The migrating cells use pseudopodial protrusions to adhere to the extracellular matrix.
21. The T cells require pseudopodial extensions to recognize and eliminate infected cells.
22. The fibroblasts produce extracellular matrix while extending pseudopodial processes.
23. The amoeboid movements of cells involve protrusion and retraction of pseudopodial lobes.
24. The pseudopodial deformation of erythrocytes plays a crucial role in blood flow and oxygen delivery.
25. The amebocytes use pseudopodial processes to transport nutrients and waste products in sponges.
26. The amoebae exhibit rapid pseudopodial movements to escape predation by larger organisms.
27. The crawling behavior of cancer cells is facilitated by their flexible pseudopodial extensions.
28. The microglia use pseudopodial arms to survey brain tissue and scavenge debris.
29. The phagocytic cells send out pseudopodial protrusions to capture and engulf invading viruses.
30. The pseudopodial movements of immune cells are regulated by intricate signaling pathways.

Common Phases

not include repetitions of the same phrases.
1. The cell extends pseudopodial projections;
2. The pseudopodial movement propels the cell forward;
3. The pseudopodial extension forms a temporary attachment;
4. The pseudopodial membrane shifts in response to environmental cues;
5. The pseudopodial activity is crucial for phagocytosis;
6. The pseudopodial behavior directs cellular migration;
7. The pseudopodial network enables efficient nutrient uptake;
8. The pseudopodial morphology varies in different cell types;
9. The pseudopodial functions are regulated by signaling pathways;
10. The pseudopodial dynamics are influenced by the cytoskeleton.

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