Pullulate example sentences

Related (16): Multiplicate, proliferate, teem, swarm, abound, overflow, brim, burst, flourish, thrive, grow, increase, escalate, mushroom, propagate, spread.

"Pullulate" Example Sentences

1. The pond began to pullulate with tiny shrimp.
2. The bacteria pullulated rapidly in the humid conditions.
3. The room pullulated with flies, buzzing around.
4. Mosquitoes pullulated in the damp marshland.
5. The open wound pullulated with maggots.
6. The mangrove swamp pullulated with crocodiles and snakes.
7. The straw pullulated with mold and fungus.
8. The garbage cans pullulated with cockroaches and flies.
9. The rubbish heap pullulated with rats and other vermin.
10. The lawn pullulated with dandelions and other weeds.
11. Pus began to pullulate from the infected wound.
12. Mice pullulated in the dusty attic.
13. The stagnant pool pullulated with algae.
14. The kitchen counter pullulated with ants eating crumbs.
15. The petri dish began to pullulate with colonies of microorganisms.
16. Spring mornings pullulate with the songs of birds.
17. The hollow tree pullulated with wasps' nests.
18. The branches pullulated with orange blossoms in spring.
19. The field pullulated with butterflies and dragonflies in summer.
20. The roadside ditches pullulated with frogs after the rains came.
21. The balmy climate caused the area to pullulate with insect life.
22. The fallen leaves pullulated with beetles and woodlice.
23. Excitement pullulated in the stadium before the big game.
24. Rumors pullulated through the office after the sudden resignation.
25. The old woman's face pullulated with warts and boils.
26. The butcher's shop pullulated with flies.
27. The stagnant pool pullulated with the stench of rot and decay.
28. The bookshelves pullulated with dust bunnies and cobwebs.
29. The stagnant air pullulated with germs and viruses.
30. Regret pullulated in his mind upon reflection of past mistakes.
31. Anxiety pullulated in his chest as he approached the crowd.
32. The tropical jungle pullulated with all manner of wildlife.
33. The baking dish pullulated with delicious cheese and breadcrumbs.
34. The insult pullulated into an argument between two coworkers.
35. The children pullulated from their beds at the sound of the ice cream truck.
36. The parking lot pullulated with cars during the holiday rush.
37. The library pullulated with students cramming for final exams.
38. The student's mind pullulated with doubts about his abilities.
39. Bacteria began to pullulate in the forgotten food left on the countertop.
40. The neglected garden pullulated with rampant weeds of all kinds.
41. His racing thoughts pullulated with worries before the important test.
42. Memories pullulated of happy childhood times spent at the lake.
43. Greed pullulated within the eyes of the shoppers on Black Friday.
44. The crime scene pullulated with evidence after the murder.
45. The humid air pullulated with the sweet scent of jasmine.
46. Doubts pullulated in her mind after reading the negative review.
47. Grudges pullulated between family members following the argument.
48. Joy pullulated through the stadium after the home team scored.
49. Anger pullulated through the workers after learning of the layoffs.
50. Ideas pullulated in the inventor's head after observing the problem.
51. His mind pullulated with confusion and uncertainty after the divorce.
52. Laughter pullulated among the crowd at the comedian's jokes.
53. The researcher's hypothesis began to pullulate with more supporting evidence.
54. The inflamed tissue pullulated with white blood cells and fluid.
55. The arguments pullulated for days between the two neighbors.
56. Opinions pullulated on social media following the controversial news story.
57. Memories pullulated within the old home as he walked through each room.
58. Life pullulated in the tropical rainforest, teeming with organisms of all kinds.
59. Enthusiasm pullulated among the fans as game day approached.
60. Happiness pullulated within her heart as she held her newborn child for the first time.

Common Phases

1. Microbes pullulate in the uncovered food.
2. The pond pullulated with frogs after the spring rains.
3. The citrus groves of Florida pullulated with mosquitoes in summer.
4. Roaches pullulate in dark and hidden places.
5. Rabbits pullulated after the bountiful spring.
6. Weeds pullulated in my neglected garden.
7. The injured area pullulated with maggots.
8. The school of fish pullulated around the feeding frenzy.
9. The market pullulated with hustling vendors.
10.The refugee camp pullulated with more arrivals each day.
11.Cockroaches pullulate after the monsoon rains.
12.Germs pullulate on discarded food.
13.The abandoned building pullulated with rodents.
14.Ants pullulate in the abandoned picnic crumbs.
15.Mosquitoes pullulate in the stagnant rainwater.
16.Corporate middle managers pullulate like fruit flies.
17.The abandoned field pullulated with wildflowers.
18.Fruit flies pullulate around the drippy fruit bowl.
19.The neglected island pullulated with feral goats.
20. Mold pullulates on damp surfaces left untouched.
21. Insects pullulated among the rotting leaves.
22. Fungi pullulated in the moist soil after the rains.
23. Seeds pullulated after the soaking spring showers.
24. Critics pullulate after any sign of success.
25. Parasites pullulate in unhygienic conditions.
26. The stagnant swamp pullulated with mosquito larvae.
27. Complaints pullulate where problems seem intractable.
28. Bureaucracy tends to pullulate and strangle initiative.
29. Ideas pullulate in fertile creative minds.
30. Bugs pullulate in the grooves of old couches.
31. Admirers pullulated around the successful star.
32. Reporters pullulated around the latest celebrity scandal.
33. Excuses pullulate when expectations are unrealistic.
34. Cockroaches pullulate in dirty kitchens and bathrooms.
35. Ants pullulate in the summer heat and humidity.
36. The stagnant water pullulated with insect larvae.
37. Gossip pullulates in environments focused on drama.
38. Lies pullulate where truths are inconvenient.
39. Warnings pullulate as dangers seem to multiply.
40. Flatterers pullulate around those in power.
41. Unfortunate circumstances pullulate self-serving complaints.
42. Ambitions pullulate among low-level competition.
43. Airborne germs pullulate wherever large crowds gather.
44. Unsubstantiated rumors pullulate during periods of upheaval.
45. Fashion trends pullulate among the young and impressionable.
46. New research suggests bacteria pullulate on cell phones.
47. Controversy tends to pullulate as elections draw near.
48. With no natural predators, rabbits pullulated across the land.
49. Without proper regulation, financial scandals pullulate.
50. With new advances in technology, phone apps pullulate daily.
51. As the forest fire receded, insects pullulated in the ash.
52. When reason fails, conspiracy theories pullulate.
53. Mosquitoes pulled in the stagnant birdbath and pullulated.
54. Ideas pulled from our conversation and pullulated into new theories.
55. Algae pulled on the abandoned boat and pullulated across the surface.
56. After the shipwreck, barnacles pulled on the submerged hull and pullulated.
57. Flies pulled at the dripping ice cream cone and pullulated around the mess.
58. Mistakes pullulated from my carelessness and grew into big problems.
59. Speculations pullulated from small clues and filled the rumor mill.
60. Complaints pullulated from petty irritations and crowded the meeting agenda.

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