Pump example sentences

Related (10): pressure, valve, motor, hose, cylinder, inflator, sump, well, compressor, filtration

"Pump" Example Sentences

1. The pumps at the gas station were all broken.
2. The heart pump implanted during the surgery worked well.
3. The pedestrians crossed the street as the traffic light turned green and the walk signal pushed the pump.
4. I had to pump the tires on my bike to get them to the proper air pressure.
5. The farmers used an irrigation pump to distribute water to their crops.
6. The foot pump on the trombone helped the musician play the instrument.
7. The mechanic started the motor to get the oil pump primed and functioning.
8. The nurse connected the patient to the antibiotic infusion pump.
9. Milk is pumped from the udders of dairy cows into storage tanks.
10. The swimmer's arms pumped rhythmically through the water.
11. The heart lung machine kept pumping oxygen through the patient's bloodstream during surgery.
12. The sump pump in the basement kept the floor free of water.
13. Workers pumped concrete into the foundation forms.
14. Chemicals were pumped into the groundwater to help remediate contamination.
15. We could hear the pump whistle as we approached the water well.
16. The hydraulic pump pressures supplied the lifting mechanism with fluid.
17. The engine lacked sufficient oil pressure due to a faulty oil pump.
18. When the horse kicked its hind legs the action helps pump blood back to its heart.
19. The swimmer's arms pumped through the water propelling her through the pool.
20. Tourists pumped coins into the wishing well and made their wishes.
21. The children rode their bikes up and down the driveway to pump air into their flat tires.
22. The boat's bilge pump removed excess water that accumulated in the hull.
23. The geothermal pump heated the house more efficiently than a standard furnace.
24. The calf sucked vigorously at its mother's teats to pump milk from the cow's udder.
25. The student pumped her fist in the air in celebration after acing the test.
26. The miners installed an electric submersible pump to remove water from the shaft.
27. The fuel pump in the carburetor was making a whining noise indicating it needed replacement.
28. The nurse monitored the medication infusion pump to ensure the correct dosage was delivered.
29. The piston pump pressurizes the system to the required levels.
30. Railway signals were powered by steam pumps in the early days.
31. The farmer brought out spare parts for the water pump behind the windmill.
32. The vacuum pump helped draw the air out of the pipe system.
33. An exchange of bodily fluids can pump viruses directly into the bloodstream.
34. The water pump made a grinding noise before it failed completely.
35. Teams from opposing schools pumped up the crowds with cheer chants.
36. The athlete pumped iron weights at the gym to build muscle mass.
37. He rapidly pumped the brake pedal when the light turned yellow.
38. The diver pulled the handle repeatedly to pump air into her buoyancy compensator.
39. Students pumped their fists in the air after the big game winning goal.
40. The piston pump maintains steady pressure in the hydraulic system.
41. Music from the car stereo helped pump up the team before the big game.
42. The beer pump at the bar dispensed draft beers for customers.
43. The fuel system needed a new injection pump to operate properly.
44. Concrete was pumped into the foundation using a specially designed truck.
45. The gas station advertised cheap gas prices to pump up business.
46. I could hear the pump churning as the well refilled the cistern.
47. The pumping station delivered water to homes across the city.
48. The chemical pump primed itself and started to circulate the mixture.
49. The swimmer pumped their arms relentlessly toward the finish line.
50. The bellows pumped air into the fireplace to stoke the flames.
51. The plunger pump functioned smoother after being lubricated.
52. The pulsating pump helped circulate the patient's blood after open heart surgery.
53. The old hand pump stood beside the well where generations had drawn water.
54. The injector pump failed which caused the diesel engine to stall.
55. I pumped my fist in victory after making the game-winning shot.
56. Workers pumped the excess water out of the flooded basement.
57. Air was pumped into the tires with a portable compressor.
58. The workers pumped water from underground springs to drain the mineshaft.
59. The lifeguard rapidly pumped the chest of the drowning victim.
60. The student pumped their fist after getting an answer right.

Common Phases

1. They used a pump to drain the flooded basement.
2. The firefighters used a water pump to put out the flames.
3. The heart pumps blood throughout the body.
4. The gym has a set of weights and a punching pump to work out with.
5. I pump my fists in the air when I'm excited.
6. The gas pump is broken so I can't fill up my tank.
7. The bike tire pump came in handy when my tire went flat.
8. The pump malfunctioned and flooded our yard with water.
9. The iron lung pump kept his breathing steady.
10. He pumped his arm in celebration after making the touchdown.
11. The farmers pumped water from the well to irrigate their fields.
12. She pumped her arm to get the basketball players attention.
13. We had to pump the brakes hard to avoid hitting the deer.
14. The oil pump failed and caused a major engine problem.
15. The fuel pump needs replacing before we can drive the car again.
16. The breast pump allowed her to store breast milk for when she returned to work.
17. The air pump failed and they had to manually inflate the raft.
18. The pharmacist filled the syringes by pumping the medicine into them.
19. The bilge pump failed and the boat began taking on water.
20. She frantically pumped the plunger of the EpiPen to inject her son's leg.
21. I pumped my fist in excitement when I won the game.
22. The police cars came screeching up and their sirens were pumping.
23. You have to pump the brakes slowly in this car or you will skid.
24. They had to pump several rounds of antibiotics into his veins to fight the infection.
25. The janitor pumped air freshener to eliminate the bad odor.
26. The bicyclist pumped her legs to gain speed going uphill.
27. The little boy pumped his legs on the swing to go higher.
28. His steroid use has pumped up his muscles to unnatural proportions.
29. The coach pumped the players up before the big game.
30. The DJ pumped up the volume to get the crowd dancing.
31. The stockbroker tried to pump up the value of the stock before he sold it.
32. The sump pump kicked on as the water level in the basement rose.
33. The inflatable raft came with an air pump.
34. His workout regimen really pumped him up.
35. The football player pumped his fists after scoring a touchdown.
36. The runner pumped his arms to keep his pace.
37. The drummer pumped the beat to get the crowd moving.
38. His running footsteps pumped against the pavement with a steady rhythm.
39. She pumped her heels on the floor as she waited impatiently.
40. The jackhammer pumped relentlessly as it broke up the concrete.
41. The piston rod pumped up and down as the engine ran.
42. He pumped his shotgun and took aim at the target.
43. The water pump failed, leaving the house with no water pressure.
44. The brake fluid pump failed and I could no longer stop the car.
45. I had to pump up the tire on my bike with the hand pump.
46. The piston pump worked slowly but reliably.
47. I pumped my legs rapidly as I rode the stationary exercise bike.
48. The passenger tire on my car kept losing air, so I had to pump it up frequently.
49. They pumped their fists in the air in victory after winning the championship.
50. The air compressor pumped up the car tires in just a few minutes.
51. The blood was pumped from his arm into the donor bag.
52. She pumped her legs furiously trying to gain speed on her bicycle.
53. He pumped himself up with a few shots of tequila before going on stage.
54. The crowd pumped their fists and cheered loudly for the home team.
55. The miners were trapped underground and they desperately pumped fresh air into the shaft.
56. Police pumped tear gas into the crowd to disperse the rioters.
57. The sea sickness medication helped stop my stomach from pumping and churning.
58. The weightlifter pumped iron for hours every day to build muscle.
59. The surfer pumped his board through the big waves.
60. The powerful pumping action of his legs propelled him forward at great speed.

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