Purlieu example sentences

Related (11): vicinity, environs, outskirts, neighborhood, periphery, boundary, fringes, suburbia, borderland, precinct, district

"Purlieu" Example Sentences

1. The farm was located in the remote purlieus of the countryside.
2. The castle stood majestically in the dark purlieus of the deep forest.
3. The abandoned church existed in the decrepit purlieus of the old town.
4. The ancient palace sat in the overgrown purlieus of the walled garden.
5. The mansions lined the upper purlieus of Fifth Avenue.
6. We hiked through the wooded purlieus surrounding the lake.
7. The houses in the troubled purlieus faced many difficulties.
8. The once grand buildings now sat crumbling in the decaying purlieus.
9. The humble neighborhood existed in the lower purlieus of the city.
10. Outside the purlieus of the town lay lush green fields.
11. The tavern was located in the seedy purlieus of the port city.
12. The poor neighborhoods existed in the forgotten purlieus.
13. We walked through the narrow streets of the old town's purlieus.
14. The villa lay hidden in the sylvan purlieus surrounding the city.
15. The ancient cathedral stood in the heart of the old town's purlieus.
16. Our walk took us through the scenic purlieus surrounding the estate.
17. The outcast community lived in the outermost purlieus of the kingdom.
18. The mansion stood aloof from the less fashionable purlieus of the city.
19. The wealthy neighborhoods lay in the uppermost purlieus of society.
20. Deep in the dark purlieus, we saw signs of life.
21. The pool hall lay in the slightly disreputable purlieus of the town.
22. We hiked through the secluded purlieus surrounding the chateau.
23. The industrial districts lay on the fringes of the city's purlieus.
24. The pub sat snugly in the less desirable purlieus of the neighborhood.
25. The sprawling suburbs existed outside the central purlieus of the city.
26. The hostel was located in the lowly purlieus of the harbor district.
27. The park lay at the edge of the developed purlieus of the metropolis.
28. The playground existed on the fringes of the suburb's purlieus.
29. The gallery sat within the bustling purlieus of the downtown core.
30. We wandered through the forgotten purlieus of the once mighty city.
31. The castle stood overlooking the surrounding purlieus.
32. The theater sat on the up-and-coming edge of the city's purlieus.
33. The cafe existed in the pleasant purlieus of the Historic District.
34. The summer home lay within the peaceful purlieus of the lake resort.
35. The church sat in the older purlieus of the rapidly developing town.
36. The manor house existed within the leafy purlieus of the hamlet.
37. The gym sat within the working-class purlieus of the urban landscape.
38. The stadium stood on the outskirts of the city's built-up purlieus.
39. The college sat in the leafy suburban purlieus of the metropolitan area.
40. The purlieus of the forest held many surprises.
41. The shopping complex lay on the very edge of the city's purlieus.
42. The shantytown existed in the farthest purlieus of the vast metropolis.
43. The garden sat within the leafy green purlieus of the park.
44. The school existed on the outskirts of the built up purlieus.
45. The museum sat near the top of the city's social purlieus.
46. The convent lay hidden within the rural purlieus of the valley.
47. The fairground sat on the edge of the town's built up purlieus.
48. The condominium existed on the edge of the city's busy purlieus.
49. The villa existed within the leafy green purlieus of the large estate.
50. The botanical gardens existed within the leafy cultivated purlieus.
51. The cemetery existed on the fringes of the developed purlieus.
52. The market sat within the busy commercial purlieus of the old town.
53. The department store existed within the heart of the city's purlieus.
54. The library sat within the leafy suburban purlieus of the city limits.
55. The archways led deep into the mysterious purlieus of the dungeons.
56. The square stood at the heart of the ancient and historic purlieus.
57. The university sat within the leafy green purlieus of the countryside.
58. The benches overlooked the picturesque purlieus of the walled garden.
59. The mosque existed within the vibrant purlieus of the former bazaar.
60. The synagogue sat within the historic purlieus of the Jewish quarter.

Common Phases

1. The dilapidated building stood on the outskirts of town, far from the main purlieu of activity.
2. They lived in the rural purlieu far from the pollution and hustle and bustle of the city.
3. The farmhouse in the countryside remained largely untouched by the goings-on in the urban purlieu.
4. The swampy bayou sat as an isolated purlieu, untouched by human development.
5. The castle stood majestically in its vast grounds, removed from the everyday purlieu of the village.
6. The old prison was located in an industrial purlieu on the edge of the city.
7. The old church seemed out of place in the modern purlieu of the shopping district.
8. The carnival atmosphere was a welcome respite from the humdrum purlieu of everyday life.
9. The university campus formed its own cloistered purlieu, separated from the rest of the city.
10. They chose to live in a quiet remote purlieu far away from the noise and chaos of the city.
11.The shops and restaurants formed the commercial purlieu of the neighborhood.
12. The theater troupe brought some much-needed levity to the usually dreary purlieu of the mines.
13. The adventurers ventured into parts of the jungle far beyond the usual purlieu of the natives.
14. I could see the tyrants lose power as their former purlieus fell into disrepair.
15. The mountain range formed a formidable natural purlieu surrounding the valleys.
16. The shopping mall became an oasis within the dreary industrial purlieu surrounding it.
17. The hospital wing formed its own specialist purlieu separate from the main business of the school.
18. The ancient ruins stood neglected in their once regal purlieu.
19. The abandoned mental asylum was located on the outskirts of town, removed from the main purlieu of activity.
20. The family compound became its own cloistered purlieu during times of threat.
21. The youth club gave the children an alternative purlieu away from street culture.
22.Pirates notoriously avoided the more governed purlieus near major ports.
23. The clearing in the forest became a secluded purlieu far from prying eyes.
24. The jail was located in an isolated purlieu to prevent outbreaks or escapes.
25. The meadow formed a tranquil, pastoral purlieu in the midst of the industrial expanse.
26. They retreated to the comforting purlieu of their childhood home.
27. The wildlife sanctuary became a haven for animals within the sprawling urban purlieu.
28. The gang war spread beyond its usual purlieu and into more residential areas.
29. The abandoned warehouse became a sinister purlieu for illegal activity.
30. The derelict house sat decaying on the edge of town, far from the inhabited purlieu.
31. The school play brought levity to the dreary post-lunchtime purlieu.
32. The monastery formed an insular, cloistered purlieu within the wider community.
33. The fishing village remained largely untouched by the changes taking place in the surrounding purlieu.
34. The band's rebellious image did not suit the respectable purlieu of the venue.
35. The aristocratic manor house seemed out of place in its new commercial purlieu.
36. The protesters were quickly removed from the governmental purlieu.
37. The beggars were largely confined to the outer purlieus of the city by officials.
38. The old churchyard formed a peaceful purlieu within the bustling city.
39. The clubhouse provided an alternative yet controlled purlieu for the teenagers.
40. The smallholding remained an isolated rural purlieu surrounded by agricultural land.
41.The run-down housing estate became a lawless purlieu.
42. The cottage garden formed a secluded, rural purlieu within the depths of the city.
43. The market stalls brought some much-needed life to the otherwise dull purlieu.
44. The gangs extended their criminal purlieu far beyond their usual territory.
45. The park formed an oasis of tranquility within the bustling urban purlieu.
46. The staff room became its own secluded purlieu removed from the rest of the school.
47.The dignitaries were quickly ushered through the restricted purlieu of the building.
48. The valley remained an isolated rural purlieu despite the nearby towns.
49. They avoided the rough purlieus and frequented more upmarket neighborhoods.
50. The criminals were soon dispersed from their usual purlieus of activity.
51. The holiday resort seemed out of place within its new industrial purlieu.
52. The youth club offered an alternative social purlieu for those at risk of joining gangs.
53. The aristocrats rarely ventured beyond their genteel purlieu.
54. The cottage stood isolated in its rural purlieu far from any neighbors.
55.The tribe defended their ancestral purlieu from encroaching settlers.
56.The wastelands became a lawless purlieu where criminals gathered.
57. The garden formed a secluded, private purlieu within the larger estate.
58. The protesters were quickly removed from the restricted purlieu of the gallery.
59. The stadium formed its own lively purlieu distinct from the surrounding suburbs.
60. The forest became an impenetrable natural purlieu protecting the village within.

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