Purloinments example sentences

Related (10): thefts, embezzlements, misappropriations, frauds, robberies, heists, pilferages, larcenies, swindles, thieveries

"Purloinments" Example Sentences

1. The purloinments of valuable artifacts from the museum were a major concern for the authorities.
2. The thief made multiple purloinments from the jewelry store before being caught.
3. The company suffered significant losses due to the purloinments of confidential data by a former employee.
4. The police were able to recover some of the purloinments made by the gang during the bank heist.
5. The company had strict measures in place to prevent any purloinments of intellectual property.
6. The culprit behind the purloinments of household items from the neighborhood was finally caught.
7. The museum implemented new security measures to prevent any future purloinments of valuable artifacts.
8. The businessman was accused of making purloinments from the charity fund he was responsible for.
9. The investigation revealed that the purloinments of company funds were carried out by an insider.
10. The officials were taken aback by the audacity of the purloinments made by the rogue employee.
11. The government was faced with backlash over the purloinments of public funds by corrupt officials.
12. The bank was left reeling by the purloinments made by a hacker who infiltrated the system.
13. The retailer suffered huge losses due to the purloinments of goods by shoplifters.
14. The artist's portfolio was subjected to purloinments by unscrupulous individuals looking to make a quick buck.
15. The company was unable to recover from the damage caused by the purloinments of crucial trade secrets.
16. The family was devastated by the purloinments of heirlooms that held sentimental value.
17. The hacker made several purloinments of sensitive information from the database.
18. The government promised to take action against the purloinments of public resources by corrupt officials.
19. The company took measures to ensure that there were no further purloinments of confidential data.
20. The school administration had to address the issue of the purloinments of exam papers by students.
21. The journalist exposed the purloinments of wildlife products from a protected sanctuary.
22. The artist's studio was robbed of his artwork, leading to multiple purloinments.
23. The company had to investigate the purloinments of funds from the project budget.
24. The authorities caught the culprits responsible for the purloinments of rare books from the library.
25. The employee was terminated for his involvement in the purloinments of company property.
26. The criminal was arrested for the purloinments made during the spate of burglaries in the area.
27. The team had to regroup after suffering a loss due to the purloinments of their star player.
28. The businessman was sentenced to prison for his purloinments of tax money.
29. The school implemented stricter surveillance to prevent any purloinments of school property.
30. The company faced legal action over the purloinments of customer data by a rogue employee.
31. The government promised to increase security to prevent any more purloinments of public funds.
32. The museum had to install new security systems to prevent any further purloinments of valuable artifacts.
33. The athlete's reputation was tarnished due to the purloinments of performance-enhancing drugs.
34. The police were able to retrieve some of the purloinments made during the robbery at the bank.
35. The company lost the trust of its customers due to the purloinments of their personal information.
36. The authorities were baffled by the purloinments of military technology from the restricted facility.
37. The whistleblower exposed the purloinments of government resources by corrupt officials.
38. The company had to fire multiple employees for their involvement in the purloinments of office supplies.
39. The artist's gallery was subjected to multiple purloinments of valuable artwork.
40. The NGO was commended for exposing the purloinments of aid supplies by local officials.

Common Phases

1. The company suffered significant financial losses due to the purloinments committed by the former employee;
2. The museum's security system was breached, resulting in the purloinments of several precious artifacts;
3. The police investigation revealed that the suspect was responsible for multiple purloinments across the city;
4. The government officials were accused of participating in illegal purloinments of public funds;
5. The store owner was shocked to discover the purloinments of several high-end products from their inventory.

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