Puzzlement example sentences

Related (9): Bewilderment, confusion, perplexity, mystification, perplexedness, uncertainty, befuddlement, doubt, disconcertment.

"Puzzlement" Example Sentences

1. His face showed a look of puzzlement.
2. I observed his puzzlement as I explained the task.
3. Joe's puzzlement was genuine as he tried to solve the riddle.
4. The audience watched in puzzlement as the magician made the rabbit disappear.
5. The visitor's puzzlement was evident as he tried to navigate through the maze.
6. I couldn't help but feel a sense of puzzlement as I tried to understand the complex math problem.
7. The teacher's puzzlement was apparent as the student failed to grasp the lesson.
8. The look of puzzlement on the child's face melted my heart.
9. There was a general feeling of puzzlement among the employees when the new rules were introduced.
10. His reaction was one of puzzlement when he found out about the unexpected visitor.
11. The team's puzzlement was obvious as they tried to decipher the cryptic message.
12. My puzzlement turned to frustration as I struggled to find the missing piece of the puzzle.
13. The customer's puzzlement was understandable as they tried to make sense of the complicated menu.
14. The sudden change in plans left everyone in a state of puzzlement.
15. The detective's puzzlement was palpable as he tried to piece together the clues.
16. Her puzzlement turned to relief as she finally solved the crossword puzzle.
17. There was a sense of puzzlement in the air as the singer forgot the lyrics mid-performance.
18. His puzzlement soon turned into amusement as he realized it was just a prank.
19. The bird's puzzlement was clear as it tried to figure out how to get the worm out of the ground.
20. The curious puppy looked at the object in puzzlement before deciding to sniff it.
21. The judge's puzzlement was evident as he tried to understand the defendant's reasoning.
22. The architect's puzzlement was apparent as the client requested an unusual design.
23. The student's puzzlement quickly turned to excitement as he finally understood the concept.
24. The employee's puzzlement was understandable as the new software was difficult to use.
25. The old man's puzzlement was endearing as he tried to learn how to use the new technology.
26. The team's puzzlement turned to frustration as they were unable to complete the challenge.
27. The child's puzzlement transformed into joy as she discovered the hidden surprise.
28. The professor's puzzlement was evident as the student presented a new theory.
29. The audience's puzzlement soon turned to laughter as the comedian told a joke.
30. The traveler's puzzlement was expected as he tried to navigate through the foreign city.

Common Phases

you really think so?; I'm not sure I understand; That's puzzling; Can you clarify?; I'm confused; I'm at a loss; What do you mean?; This doesn't make sense to me; I don't quite follow; What's going on?

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