Pyxis example sentences

Related (5): box, container, repository, casket, chest

"Pyxis" Example Sentences

1. The pyxis is a small, handheld container used by ancient Greeks to store jewelry.
2. The pyxis was embellished with intricate designs and patterns.
3. The archaeologist carefully lifted the pyxis from the excavation site, hoping to uncover its secrets.
4. The artist painted a gorgeous pyxis inspired by the intricate Greek designs.
5. The pyxis was once owned by a wealthy noblewoman who kept her most valuable jewels inside.
6. The pyxis was made from precious materials like gold and ivory.
7. The soldier on the battlefield had a pyxis filled with medicinal herbs to treat injuries.
8. The antique store had a rare pyxis on display, with a staggering price tag.
9. The museum curators carefully placed the pyxis on a velvet cushion for visitors to admire.
10. The pyxis was discovered buried deep beneath the temple ruins.
11. The vase and pyxis set were a popular wedding gift in ancient Greece.
12. The pyxis was intricately carved with scenes from Greek mythology.
13. The pyxis was designed to be easily carried and concealed.
14. The wealthy merchant kept his most valuable documents inside a pyxis.
15. The archaeologist took measurements of the pyxis to determine its age and origin.
16. The scholar wrote a thesis on the function and significance of the pyxis in ancient Greek society.
17. The thieves carefully opened the pyxis to discover it was empty.
18. The pyxis was a symbol of wealth and status in ancient Greece.
19. The craftsmen took great pride in creating intricate pyxis designs for their wealthy clients.
20. The pyxis was often used in religious ceremonies to hold sacred objects.
21. The archaeologists carefully brushed away the dirt to reveal the pyxis's ornate designs.
22. The pyxis was stored on a high shelf to ensure its safety from thieves.
23. The pyxis was passed down through generations of a noble family.
24. The warrior carried his pyxis into battle, hoping it would bring him luck.
25. The pyxis was a prized possession of the local museum, drawing in crowds of visitors.
26. The artist used the pyxis as inspiration for a new jewelry line.
27. The pyxis was carefully polished to restore its shine and beauty.
28. The pyxis was stolen from a wealthy collector's estate and hidden in a safe house.
29. The pyxis's intricate carvings told the story of a legendary hero.
30. The pyxis was so well-crafted, it was often mistaken for a priceless work of art.

Common Phases

not have access to professional medical records.
1. The pyxis machine is used to store medications securely.
2. Nurses need to log in to the pyxis system with their unique passwords.
3. The pyxis machine has different compartments for different types of medications.
4. Using the pyxis system allows for better tracking of medication distribution.
5. The pyxis machine provides an automated system for dispensing medication.
6. The pyxis system helps reduce medication errors.
7. Nurses need to regularly restock the pyxis machine with medications.
8. The pyxis system provides a quick and efficient way to retrieve medications for patients.

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