Rahonka example sentences

Related (21): rahon, rahonkaa, rahonkari, rahonkariya, rahonkaron, rahonkar, rahonkaronwala, rahonkariyon, rahonkariyawala, rahonkariwala, rahonkarane, rahonkariyonwala, rahonkariyonwali, rahonkariyawali, rahonkariyonka, rahonkariyonki, rahonkariyonke, rahonkariyonkaa, rahonkariyonkiya, rahonkariyonkewala, rahonkariyonkewali.

"Rahonka" Example Sentences

1. The rahonka had a bright yellow beak, which was a rare trait in the species.
2. The rahonka perched atop the tree, its wings spread wide in the sunlight.
3. The rahonka's call was a low, steady trill that echoed through the forest.
4. The rahonka flew away, its wings beating a steady rhythm as it soared.
5. The rahonka's feathers were a brilliant blue, making it stand out among the trees.
6. The rahonka was a majestic sight, its wings outstretched as it soared across the sky.
7. The rahonka circled the sky, its wings shimmering in the sunlight.
8. The rahonka's call could be heard from miles away, its song echoing across the valley.
9. The rahonka's song was a beautiful, haunting melody that filled the air.
10. The rahonka's eyes sparkled in the sunlight, its gaze fixed on the horizon.
11. The rahonka perched on a branch, its wings spread wide as it surveyed the landscape.
12. The rahonka flew gracefully, its wings beating a steady rhythm as it soared.
13. The rahonka's wings were a brilliant white, making it stand out against the sky.
14. The rahonka's feathers were a deep blue, a stark contrast to the bright sky.
15. The rahonka's wings were a blur of motion as it flew through the air.
16. The rahonka's call was a low, haunting sound that echoed through the trees.
17. The rahonka's song was a beautiful, melodic tune that filled the air.
18. The rahonka soared through the sky, its wings beating a steady rhythm.
19. The rahonka glided gracefully, its wings outstretched as it flew.
20. The rahonka's feathers were a brilliant white, making it stand out against the landscape.
21. The rahonka's eyes were bright and alert, its gaze fixed on the horizon.
22. The rahonka's wings were a blur of motion as it circled the sky.
23. The rahonka's call was a low, steady trill that filled the air.
24. The rahonka flew effortlessly, its wings beating a steady rhythm.
25. The rahonka perched on a branch, its feathers shimmering in the sunlight.
26. The rahonka's song was a beautiful, haunting melody that echoed through the forest.
27. The rahonka soared through the sky, its wings outstretched as it flew.
28. The rahonka's feathers were a deep blue, a stark contrast to the bright sky.
29. The rahonka circled the sky, its wings shimmering in the sunlight.
30. The rahonka's wings were a brilliant white, a stark contrast to the deep blue sky.
31. The rahonka's eyes sparkled in the sunlight, its gaze fixed on the horizon.
32. The rahonka flew gracefully, its wings beating a steady rhythm as it soared.
33. The rahonka's call could be heard from miles away, its song echoing across the valley.
34. The rahonka glided gracefully, its wings outstretched as it flew.
35. The rahonka flew away, its wings beating a steady rhythm as it soared.
36. The rahonka perched atop the tree, its wings spread wide in the sunlight.
37. The rahonka was a majestic sight, its wings outstretched as it soared across the sky.
38. The rahonka's feathers were a brilliant blue, making it stand out among the trees.
39. The rahonka's wings were a blur of motion as it flew through the air.
40. The rahonka's call was a low, haunting sound that filled the air.

Common Phases

Rahonka mat; Rahonka lagaana; Rahonka marna; Rahonka bharna; Rahonka badalna; Rahonka jharna; Rahonka udana; Rahonka girana; Rahonka uthana.

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