Rainstorms example sentences

Related (21): downpour, thunder, lightning, flood, hail, hurricane, tornado, gust, gale, monsoon, hailstorm, drizzle, shower, cloudburst, tempest, deluge, typhoon, squall, cyclone, blizzard, sleet.

"Rainstorms" Example Sentences

1. The sudden rainstorms during the monsoon season often cause flooding in low-lying areas.
2. Rainstorms can be very dangerous for those living in areas prone to landslides.
3. My car was damaged in one of the worst rainstorms I've ever seen.
4. I love watching rainstorms from the safety of my cozy living room.
5. The rainstorms last night washed away all the debris from the street.
6. Rainstorms often disrupt outdoor activities like sports events and concerts.
7. The town has been hit by several rainstorms in the past few weeks, causing widespread damage.
8. The forecast predicted rainstorms for the entire week, so I cancelled my outdoor plans.
9. The rainstorms in this region are a crucial source of water for agriculture.
10. The rainstorms created a beautiful rainbow that stretched across the sky.
11. I always forget to bring an umbrella even though rainstorms are a common occurrence here.
12. The heavy rainstorms make it challenging to drive on the highway.
13. The rainstorms in spring bring renewed life to the parched landscape.
14. The intense rainstorms caused power outages throughout the entire city.
15. I love the sound of rainstorms pattering against the roof of my house at night.
16. The rainstorms in the desert are rare but when they occur, they can be quite fierce.
17. The constant rainstorms have made the garden lush and green.
18. The treacherous rainstorms made it challenging for the hikers to reach the top of the mountain.
19. The unexpected rainstorms during our camping trip left us drenched and miserable.
20. Rainstorms are not common in this part of the country, so people tend to get excited when they occur.
21. The sudden rainstorms can dampen the spirits of even the most avid nature lovers.
22. The heavy rainstorms caused delays and cancellations at the airport.
23. Rainstorms can be a blessing or a curse depending on how they are managed.
24. The rainy season is characterized by persistent rainstorms that can last for days or even weeks.
25. The sudden rainstorms caught us off guard, and we had to find shelter quickly.
26. The thunderous rainstorms made it impossible to hear anything else.
27. The gentle rainstorms in the fall are perfect for growing crops like pumpkins and apples.
28. The rainstorms brought relief to the drought-stricken region, but also caused flooding and damage.
29. The severe rainstorms caused the river to overflow its banks, leading to evacuations in nearby towns.
30. Rainstorms are a reminder of the power of nature and our own vulnerability.

Common Phases

1. Rainstorms always disrupt outdoor plans;
2. Rainstorms can be calming to listen to;
3. Rainstorms bring much-needed water to crops;
4. Rainstorms require extra caution while driving;
5. Rainstorms can cause flooding in low-lying areas;
6. Rainstorms provide an excuse to cozy up indoors;
7. Rainstorms are a reminder of the power of nature;
8. Rainstorms bring a much-anticipated relief from summer heat;
9. Rainstorms can create beautiful reflections in puddles;
10. Rainstorms can lead to power outages.

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