Rajah example sentences

Related (20): prince, ruler, monarch, leader, potentate, king, sultan, emperor, chief, head, governor, majesty, despot, autocrat, czar, sheikh, emir, khan, pharaoh, tycoon.

"Rajah" Example Sentences

1. The rajah of the small kingdom was known for being a just ruler.
2. The rajah rode on his beautifully adorned elephant through the marketplace.
3. The rajah's palace was adorned with intricate carvings and delicate decorations.
4. The rajah's robes were made of the finest silk imported from China.
5. The rajah's crown was encrusted with thousands of precious gems.
6. The rajah's loyal subjects praised him for his benevolent rule.
7. The rajah's armies were feared throughout the region.
8. The rajah's daughter was said to be the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.
9. The rajah's harem was filled with exotic beauties from all over the world.
10. The rajah's advisors were constantly scheming to gain more power.
11. The rajah's elephant trumpeted loudly as it made its way through the city streets.
12. The rajah's palace guard was composed of the bravest and most loyal soldiers.
13. The rajah's treasury was overflowing with gold and precious jewels.
14. The rajah's court was filled with poets, musicians, and artists.
15. The rajah's meals were prepared by the finest chefs in the kingdom.
16. The rajah's court jester entertained the rulers and courtiers with his jokes and antics.
17. The rajah's hunting expeditions were legendary for their extravagance.
18. The rajah's war elephants were armored and trained to charge into battle.
19. The rajah's kingdom was a land of great beauty and wonder.
20. The rajah's power was absolute, but he ruled with compassion and wisdom.
21. The rajah's advisors urged him to make a preemptive strike against his rivals.
22. The rajah's army clashed with the invaders on the field of battle.
23. The rajah's daughter fell in love with a commoner, causing a scandal in the court.
24. The rajah's enemies plotted to overthrow him and seize power for themselves.
25. The rajah's ally came to his aid in his time of need.
26. The rajah's ministers argued over the issue of taxation.
27. The rajah's throne was carved from a single piece of ivory.
28. The rajah's musicians played a haunting melody on their instruments.
29. The rajah's portrait hung prominently in the grand hall of the palace.
30. The rajah's adventurer nephew returned from his travels with tales of distant lands and exotic peoples.

Common Phases

1. The rajah of the kingdom was known for his benevolence and generosity;
2. The commoners respected the rajah for his fairness in judgment;
3. The rajah was fond of hunting wild beasts in the forest;
4. The palace of the rajah was adorned with intricate carvings and paintings;
5. The rajah's soldiers were renowned for their bravery and loyalty;
6. The rajah hosted a grand feast during the festival of lights;
7. The rajah's advisors suggested a diplomatic approach to resolve the conflict;
8. The rajah's daughter was trained in the art of sword fighting and horse riding.

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