Ransome example sentences

Related (13): piracy, kidnapping, hostage, negotiation, payment, release, rescue, ransomware, cyberattack, encryption, decryption, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency

"Ransome" Example Sentences

1. The pirate demanded a hefty ransome for the release of the kidnapped sailors.
2. He offered to pay any amount as ransome for his son's safe return.
3. The princess was held captive and her father had to pay a huge ransome to free her.
4. The kidnappers were arrested and asked to reveal the location of the ransome money.
5. He was accused of taking ransome money from the victim's family, even though he was innocent.
6. The detective found evidence that proved the ransome note was written by the kidnapper.
7. The hostages were kept in captivity until their families paid the ransome.
8. The kidnapper collected the ransome money and managed to escape without getting caught.
9. The king offered a huge ransome to anyone who could bring back his lost treasure.
10. Despite several attempts, the police were unable to recover the ransome money.
11. The kidnapper demanded a ransome of $1 million for the safe release of the victim.
12. The family was devastated when they found out that their loved one had been held for ransome.
13. The kidnapper thought he could get away with the ransome money, but the police were one step ahead.
14. After the safe return of the hostages, the ransome money was returned to the families.
15. The kidnapper left a note demanding a ransome payment be made to a specific account.
16. The victim's family were relieved when they received the news that their loved one had been rescued from the hands of the kidnappers for a reasonable ransome.
17. Despite his pleas for mercy, the kidnapper was arrested and charged with ransome.
18. The criminal was caught by the police and forced to return every penny of the ransome money he had collected.
19. The kidnapper was unaware that the ransome money had been marked, making it easier for the police to trace its whereabouts.
20. The kidnapper had no choice but to release the hostage after the ransome payment could not be delivered.
21. The authorities were notified when the family received a strange note demanding a ransome for the safe return of their daughter.
22. The kidnappers were not interested in anything else other than ransome money and refused to listen to any negotiations for a release.
23. The kidnappers were finally brought to justice after the victim's family paid the ransome amount to the police.
24. The family was left with no choice but to pay the ransome or risk losing their loved one forever.
25. The kidnapper was surprised to find out that the ransome money he had demanded was not going to be an easy catch.
26. The victim's family was grateful for the safe return of their loved one, even though they had to sacrifice a huge amount of money for ransome.
27. The kidnapper was captured when he came back to claim the ransome money he had stashed away.
28. The victim's family waited anxiously for news of their loved one's safe return after paying the ransome amount.
29. It is never advisable to pay ransome money as it only encourages criminals to continue with their heinous acts.
30. The kidnapper finally released his hostages after he was promised a substantial ransome payment.

Common Phases

1. The kidnappers demanded a ransome of $1 million; the family of the victim was panicked.
2. The police were able to negotiate a lower ransome amount with the kidnappers; the victim was eventually released.
3. The wealthy businessman was taken for ransome by a notorious gang; his family hired private investigators to track him down.
4. Despite paying the ransome, the kidnappers refused to release the victim; a high-risk rescue operation was then launched.
5. The government refused to negotiate with terrorists who had taken hostages for ransome; a military operation was carried out to rescue the hostages.

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