Raptores example sentences

Related (10): Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, Ospreys, Kites, Vultures, Owls, Harriers, Buzzards, Condors.

"Raptores" Example Sentences

1. The raptores are fierce birds of prey.
2. I saw a group of raptores hunting together.
3. The raptores are at the top of the food chain.
4. Many cultures have used the image of the raptores as a symbol of strength.
5. The raptores have powerful talons that allow them to grab and hold their prey.
6. The raptores are known for their sharp beaks and excellent eyesight.
7. Falcons are a type of raptores commonly used for falconry.
8. The bald eagle is a well-known raptores in North America.
9. The harpy eagle is one of the largest raptores in the world.
10. The peregrine falcon is one of the fastest flying raptores.
11. Eagles, hawks, and owls are all examples of raptores.
12. The name raptores comes from the Latin word for "raptors" or "predators."
13. The raptores play a critical role in controlling the population of other animals.
14. The raptores are often featured in literature and mythology as symbols of power and freedom.
15. Some raptores, like the barn owl, are both beautiful and beneficial to humans because they eat rodents and other pests.
16. The raptores have been around for millions of years and have evolved through time.
17. The raptores are fascinating creatures to observe in their natural habitats.
18. The golden eagle is a majestic raptores that is found in many parts of the world.
19. The falconer worked with the raptores to train them for hunting.
20. The anatomy of the raptores has many features that make them successful hunters.
21. The strong, curved beak of the raptores is used for tearing flesh.
22. The raptores have excellent vision, which allows them to spot prey from great distances.
23. The owls are a unique group of raptores that hunt at night.
24. The osprey is a raptores that specializes in catching fish.
25. Turkey vultures are a type of raptores that feed on carrion.
26. The kestrel is a small raptores that is known for its acrobatic flight.
27. The buzzard is a raptores that is common in many parts of Europe.
28. The goshawk is a raptores that is often used in falconry.
29. The red-tailed hawk is a raptores that is native to North America.
30. The bald eagle is a raptores that is closely associated with the United States.

Common Phases

1. The raptores hunted for their prey;
2. The raptores swooped down to catch their victim;
3. The raptores are known for their sharp talons;
4. The raptores exhibit impressive aerial agility;
5. The raptores are often seen circling high in the sky;
6. The raptores are at the top of the avian food chain;
7. The raptores use their keen eyesight to locate prey;
8. The raptores are skilled hunters, taking down prey with precision.

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