Raptusb example sentences

Related (13): abduction, seizure, kidnapping, snatch, capture, taking, hijacking, appropriation, theft, burglary, robbery, raid, invasion

"Raptusb" Example Sentences

1. The raptus of excitement was apparent on her face.
2. The sudden raptus of anger caught me off guard.
3. She experienced a brief raptus of joy when she saw her favorite band perform.
4. His raptus for adventure led him to explore the unknown territories.
5. I was in a raptus of amusement watching the funny movie.
6. His raptus for success drove him to work tirelessly day and night.
7. The raptus of fear made her heart race faster.
8. Her raptus of curiosity led her to investigate the mysterious sounds.
9. He felt a raptus of pride as he successfully completed the task.
10. The raptus of love overwhelmed her senses.
11. The raptus of inspiration struck him suddenly and he began to write.
12. She experienced a raptus of disappointment when she learned she did not get the job.
13. The raptus of anger made him lash out at his coworkers.
14. Her raptus for excellence drove her to excel in her academic studies.
15. The raptus of determination kept him going despite setbacks.
16. His raptus of creativity allowed him to come up with innovative ideas.
17. She experienced a raptus of relief when she received good news.
18. The raptus of hunger made her stomach growl loudly.
19. His raptus for justice motivated him to fight for truth and fairness.
20. The sudden raptus of sadness left her feeling lost and alone.
21. Her raptus for beauty inspired her to create stunning works of art.
22. His raptus of excitement bubbled over as he eagerly awaited the concert.
23. The raptus of envy made her jealous of her friend's success.
24. She felt a raptus of gratitude towards those who had helped her.
25. The raptus of passion burned within him as he pursued his dreams.
26. He experienced a raptus of disbelief when he heard the news.
27. The raptus of anticipation made him eagerly wait for his birthday.
28. Her raptus for adventure led her to travel to far-off lands.
29. The sudden raptus of pain made her clutch her side.
30. His raptus of determination allowed him to overcome his obstacles and achieve his goals.

Common Phases

1. He went into a raptus of anger after hearing the news;
2. The crowd was in a raptus of excitement as the band took the stage;
3. She experienced a raptus of joy when she received her acceptance letter;
4. The room fell into a raptus of silence as the speaker began his speech;
5. He had a raptus of fear when he saw the snake slithering towards him;
6. She entered a raptus of concentration as she worked on the challenging puzzle;
7. The child was in a raptus of laughter at the silly clown's antics;
8. He felt a raptus of nostalgia as he walked down memory lane;
9. The audience was in a raptus of awe as the acrobat performed the death-defying stunt;
10. She experienced a raptus of relief when her missing cat finally returned home.

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