Rasas example sentences

Related (7): emotions, taste, essence, sap, fluid, humor, juice

"Rasas" Example Sentences

1. The chef emphasized the importance of using different rasas in cooking.
2. According to Ayurveda, there are six primary rasas in food.
3. The dish lacked complexity because it only had one rasa.
4. My favorite rasa in Indian cuisine is sweet.
5. The combination of rasas in the dish was perfectly balanced.
6. The kitchen was filled with the delicious aromas of various rasas.
7. The dish had a subtle and complex rasa profile.
8. In Ayurveda, each rasa has a specific effect on the body and mind.
9. The spice blend added a unique rasa to the flavor profile.
10. The chef recommended adding a sour rasa to balance the sweetness.
11. The bitter rasa in the green vegetables was perfectly complemented by the sweet sauce.
12. The rasa of the drink was enhanced by the addition of fresh fruit.
13. The dish needed more salt to bring out the savory rasa.
14. The chef suggested using a combination of spicy and pungent rasas for a warming effect.
15. The dish had a strong umami rasa from the mushrooms.
16. The rasa of the soup was too acidic for my taste.
17. The chef recommended using ghee to enhance the richness of the rasa in the sauce.
18. The dish had a delicate and refreshing rasa from the mint.
19. The rasa of the dish changed when I added a squeeze of lemon juice.
20. The dish had a subtle fruity rasa from the added raisins.
21. The dish had a dominant bitter rasa that may not appeal to everyone.
22. The chef carefully selected each ingredient to balance the rasas in the dish.
23. The dish had a comforting and earthy rasa from the root vegetables.
24. The rasa of the noodles was enhanced by the addition of sesame oil.
25. The dish had a refreshing rasa from the cucumber and lime.
26. The dish had a spicy rasa that lingered on the palate.
27. The rasa of the meat was enhanced by the smoky flavor from the grill.
28. The rasa of the tea was greatly influenced by the steeping time and temperature.
29. The dish had a subtle umami rasa from the miso paste in the sauce.
30. Each rasa in the dish was carefully crafted to create a harmonious flavor profile.

Common Phases

1. I am feeling happy; let's celebrate!
2. She was filled with anger; her fists clenched tightly.
3. He seemed to be lost in thought; his brow furrowed in deep concentration.
4. The movie was sad; tears welled up in my eyes.
5. I am so excited; I can't wait to start this new project.
6. The food was delicious; my taste buds were tingling with pleasure.
7. She was bored out of her mind; time seemed to crawl by at a snail's pace.
8. He was afraid of what might happen; his heart was pounding with fear.
9. I am filled with gratitude; thank you for your help.
10. The scenery was breathtaking; we stopped to take pictures at every turn.

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