Rationed example sentences

Related (10): restricted, limited, allocated, controlled, apportioned, assigned, distributed, regulated, skimpy, meager

"Rationed" Example Sentences

1. The government has rationed food due to the shortage.
2. The hospital has rationed medical supplies to ensure fairness.
3. During the war, citizens were rationed clothing.
4. The water supply was rationed during the drought.
5. The gasoline was rationed during the energy crisis in the 1970s.
6. The sugar was rationed during World War II.
7. The electricity was rationed during the summer heatwave.
8. The food was rationed to avoid overcrowding in the shelter.
9. Limited resources have to be rationed in the emergency.
10. During the famine, food was rationed by strict quotas.
11. Medicine was rationed to those in critical condition.
12. The military supplies were rationed to ensure enough for the troops.
13. The factory rationed the production line to avoid overstocking.
14. The airline was rationed fuel due to the high demand.
15. During the pandemic, the toilet paper was rationed.
16. The water was rationed to avoid overuse during the summer.
17. The food was rationed to avoid waste during the camping trip.
18. The medication was rationed according to the patient's needs.
19. The gas masks were rationed during the air raid.
20. The matches were rationed due to the risk of fire.
21. The soldiers were rationed weapons for the mission.
22. The blankets were rationed to the victims of the natural disaster.
23. The drinking water was rationed to avoid contamination.
24. The coal was rationed during the harsh winter.
25. The rations were rationed according to the number of people in the shelter.
26. The electricity was rationed during the scheduled blackout.
27. The water bottles were rationed for the athletes during the marathon.
28. The medication was rationed during the outbreak of the virus.
29. The food was rationed for the hungry children in the orphanage.
30. The clothing was rationed during the economic recession.

Common Phases

1. The government has rationed essential commodities such as sugar; this has resulted in long queues outside grocery stores.
2. During World War II, food was rationed in many countries; people were only allowed to purchase certain amounts of items like bread, milk, and meat.
3. With limited supplies of medicine available, doctors have had to ration drugs to patients; this has led to difficult decisions about who receives treatment.
4. In times of drought, water is often rationed; residents are asked to conserve water and limit their usage.
5. Some airlines have rationed their in-flight meals; passengers are given smaller portions or may have to purchase food items separately.
6. During a crisis, resources may need to be rationed; this ensures that everyone has access to basic necessities.
7. In some countries, electricity is rationed during peak hours; this helps manage demand and prevent blackouts.
8. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, emergency supplies are often rationed; this ensures that aid is distributed fairly and efficiently.
9. Gasoline was rationed during the oil crisis in the 1970s; drivers were given a limited amount of fuel based on their license plate number.
10. In some healthcare systems, treatments and surgeries may need to be rationed; this is done based on medical need and the available resources.

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